Source code for graph_tool.inference.nested_blockmodel

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# graph_tool -- a general graph manipulation python module
# Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

from .. import _prop, Graph, GraphView

from . base_states import _bm_test
from . base_states import *

from . blockmodel import *
from . overlap_blockmodel import *
from . layered_blockmodel import *

import numpy as np
import copy

[docs] class NestedBlockState(object): r"""The nested stochastic block model state of a given graph. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be modeled. bs : ``list`` of :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` (optional, default: ``None``) Hierarchical node partition. If not provided it will correspond to a single-group hierarchy of length :math:`\lceil\log_2(N)\rceil`. base_type : ``type`` (optional, default: :class:`~graph_tool.inference.BlockState`) State type for lowermost level (e.g. :class:`~graph_tool.inference.BlockState`, :class:`~graph_tool.inference.OverlapBlockState` or :class:`~graph_tool.inference.LayeredBlockState`) hstate_args : ``dict`` (optional, default: `{}`) Keyword arguments to be passed to the constructor of the higher-level states. hentropy_args : ``dict`` (optional, default: `{}`) Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``entropy()`` method of the higher-level states. state_args : ``dict`` (optional, default: ``{}``) Keyword arguments to be passed to base type constructor. **kwargs : keyword arguments Keyword arguments to be passed to base type constructor. The ``state_args`` parameter overrides this. """ def __init__(self, g, bs=None, base_type=BlockState, state_args={}, hstate_args={}, hentropy_args={}, **kwargs): self.g = g self.base_type = base_type if base_type is LayeredBlockState: self.Lrecdx = [] else: self.Lrecdx = libcore.Vector_double() self.state_args = dict(kwargs, **state_args) self.state_args["Lrecdx"] = self.Lrecdx if "rec_params" not in self.state_args: recs = self.state_args.get("recs", None) if recs is not None: self.state_args["rec_params"] = ["microcanonical"] * len(recs) self.hstate_args = dict(dict(deg_corr=False, vweight="nonempty"), **hstate_args) self.hstate_args["Lrecdx"] = self.Lrecdx self.hstate_args["copy_bg"] = False self.hentropy_args = dict(hentropy_args, adjacency=True, dense=True, multigraph=True, dl=True, partition_dl=True, degree_dl=True, degree_dl_kind="distributed", edges_dl=False, exact=True, recs=True, recs_dl=False, beta_dl=1.) g_ = self.state_args.pop("g", g) # for OverlapBlockState self.levels = [base_type(g_, b=bs[0] if bs is not None else None, **self.state_args)] if bs is None: if base_type is OverlapBlockState: N = 2 * self.levels[0].get_N() else: N = self.levels[0].get_N() L = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N))) bs = [None] * (L + 1) for i, b in enumerate(bs[1:]): state = self.levels[-1] args = self.hstate_args if i == len(bs[1:]) - 1: args = dict(args, clabel=None, pclabel=None) bstate = state.get_block_state(b=b, **args) self.levels.append(bstate) self._regen_Lrecdx() self._couple_levels(self.hentropy_args, None) if _bm_test(): self._consistency_check() def _regen_Lrecdx(self, lstate=None): if not hasattr(self.levels[0], "recdx"): return if lstate is None: levels = self.levels Lrecdx = self.Lrecdx else: levels = [s for s in self.levels] l, s = lstate levels[l] = s s = s.get_block_state(**dict(self.hstate_args, b=s.get_bclabel(), copy_bg=False)) if l < len(levels) - 1: levels[l+1] = s else: levels.append(s) if self.base_type is LayeredBlockState: Lrecdx = [x.copy() for x in self.Lrecdx] else: Lrecdx = self.Lrecdx.copy() if self.base_type is not LayeredBlockState: Lrecdx.a = 0 Lrecdx[0] = len([s for s in levels if s._state.get_B_E_D() > 0]) for s in levels: Lrecdx.a[1:] += s.recdx.a * s._state.get_B_E_D() s.epsilon.a = levels[0].epsilon.a for s in levels: s.Lrecdx.a = Lrecdx.a else: Lrecdx[0].a = 0 Lrecdx[0][0] = len([s for s in levels if s._state.get_B_E_D() > 0]) for j in range(levels[0].C): Lrecdx[j+1].a = 0 Lrecdx[j+1][0] = len([s for s in levels if s._state.get_layer(j).get_B_E_D() > 0]) for s in levels: Lrecdx[0].a[1:] += s.recdx.a * s._state.get_B_E_D() s.epsilon.a = levels[0].epsilon.a for j in range(levels[0].C): Lrecdx[j+1].a[1:] += s.layer_states[j].recdx.a * s._state.get_layer(j).get_B_E_D() s.layer_states[j].epsilon.a = levels[0].epsilon.a for s in self.levels: for x, y in zip(s.Lrecdx, Lrecdx): x.a = y.a if lstate is not None: return Lrecdx def _regen_levels(self): for l in range(1, len(self.levels)): state = self.levels[l] nstate = self.levels[l-1].get_block_state(b=state.b, **self.hstate_args) self.levels[l] = nstate self._regen_Lrecdx() def __repr__(self): return "<NestedBlockState object, with base %s, and %d levels of sizes %s at 0x%x>" % \ (repr(self.levels[0]), len(self.levels), str([(s.get_N(), s.get_nonempty_B()) for s in self.levels]), id(self)) def __copy__(self): return self.copy()
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): r"""Copies the block state. The parameters override the state properties, and have the same meaning as in the constructor.""" state = dict(self.__getstate__(), **kwargs) return NestedBlockState(**state)
def __getstate__(self): base_state = self.levels[0].__getstate__() base_state.pop("Lrecdx", None) base_state.pop("epsilon", None) base_state.pop("drec", None) state_args = dict(self.state_args, **base_state) if self.base_type is not OverlapBlockState: state_args.pop("g", None) state_args.pop("b", None) state = dict(g=self.g, bs=self.get_bs(), base_type=type(self.levels[0]), hstate_args=self.hstate_args, hentropy_args=self.hentropy_args, state_args=state_args) return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(**state)
[docs] def get_bs(self): """Get hierarchy levels as a list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` objects with the group memberships at each level. """ return [s.b.copy() if l == 0 else s.b.fa.copy() for l, s in enumerate(self.levels)]
[docs] def get_state(self): """Alias to :meth:`~NestedBlockState.get_bs`.""" return self.get_bs()
[docs] def set_state(self, bs): r"""Sets the internal nested partition of the state.""" for i in range(len(bs)): self.levels[i].set_state(bs[i])
[docs] def get_levels(self): """Get hierarchy levels as a list of :class:`~graph_tool.inference.BlockState` instances.""" return self.levels
[docs] def project_partition(self, j, l): """Project partition of level ``j`` onto level ``l``, and return it.""" b = self.levels[l].b.copy() for i in range(l + 1, j + 1): clabel = self.levels[i].b.copy() pmap(b, clabel) return b
[docs] def propagate_clabel(self, l): """Project base clabel to level ``l``.""" clabel = self.levels[0].clabel.copy() for j in range(l): bg = self.levels[j].bg bclabel = bg.new_vertex_property("int") reverse_map(self.levels[j].b, bclabel) pmap(bclabel, clabel) clabel = bclabel return clabel
[docs] def get_clabel(self, l): """Get clabel for level ``l``.""" clabel = self.propagate_clabel(l) if l < len(self.levels) - 1: b = self.project_partition(l + 1, l) clabel.fa += (clabel.fa.max() + 1) * b.fa return clabel
def _consistency_check(self): for l in range(1, len(self.levels)): b = self.levels[l].b.fa.copy() state = self.levels[l-1] args = self.hstate_args if l == len(self.levels) - 1: args = dict(args, clabel=None, pclabel=None) bstate = state.get_block_state(b=b, **args) b2 = bstate.b.fa.copy() b = contiguous_map(b) b2 = contiguous_map(b2) assert ((b == b2).all() and math.isclose(bstate.entropy(dl=False), self.levels[l].entropy(dl=False), abs_tol=1e-8)), \ "inconsistent level %d (%s %g, %s %g): %s" % \ (l, str(bstate), bstate.entropy(), str(self.levels[l]), self.levels[l].entropy(), str(self)) assert (bstate.get_N() >= bstate.get_nonempty_B()), \ (l, bstate.get_N(), bstate.get_nonempty_B(), str(self))
[docs] def level_entropy(self, l, bstate=None, **kwargs): """Compute the entropy of level ``l``.""" if bstate is None: bstate = self.levels[l] kwargs = kwargs.copy() hentropy_args = dict(self.hentropy_args, **kwargs.pop("hentropy_args", {})) hentropy_args_top = dict(dict(hentropy_args, edges_dl=True, recs_dl=True), **kwargs.pop("hentropy_args_top", {})) if l > 0: if l == (len(self.levels) - 1): eargs = hentropy_args_top else: eargs = hentropy_args else: eargs = dict(kwargs, edges_dl=False) S = bstate.entropy(**eargs) if l > 0: S *= kwargs.get("beta_dl", 1.) return S
def _Lrecdx_entropy(self, Lrecdx=None): if not hasattr(self.levels[0], "recdx"): return 0 if self.base_type is not LayeredBlockState: S_D = 0 if Lrecdx is None: Lrecdx = self.Lrecdx for s in self.levels: B_E_D = s._state.get_B_E_D() if B_E_D > 0: S_D -= np.log(B_E_D) S = 0 for i in range(len(self.levels[0].rec)): if self.levels[0].rec_types[i] != libinference.rec_type.real_normal: continue assert not _bm_test() or Lrecdx[i+1] >= 0, (i, Lrecdx[i+1]) S += -libinference.positive_w_log_P(Lrecdx[0], Lrecdx[i+1], np.nan, np.nan, self.levels[0].epsilon[i]) S += S_D return S else: S_D = [0 for j in range(self.levels[0].C)] if Lrecdx is None: Lrecdx = self.Lrecdx for s in self.levels: for j in range(self.levels[0].C): B_E_D = s._state.get_layer(j).get_B_E_D() if B_E_D > 0: S_D[j] -= np.log(B_E_D) S = 0 for i in range(len(self.levels[0].rec)): if self.levels[0].rec_types[i] != libinference.rec_type.real_normal: continue for j in range(self.levels[0].C): assert not _bm_test() or Lrecdx[j+1][i+1] >= 0, (i, j, Lrecdx[j+1][i+1]) S += -libinference.positive_w_log_P(Lrecdx[j+1][0], Lrecdx[j+1][i+1], np.nan, np.nan, self.levels[0].epsilon[i]) S += S_D[j] return S
[docs] @copy_state_wrap def entropy(self, **kwargs): """Obtain the description length (i.e. negative joint log-likelihood) for the hierarchical partition. The keyword arguments are passed to the ``entropy()`` method of the underlying state objects (e.g. :class:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.entropy`, :class:`graph_tool.inference.OverlapBlockState.entropy`, or :class:`graph_tool.inference.LayeredBlockState.entropy`). """ S = 0 for l in range(len(self.levels)): S += self.level_entropy(l, **dict(kwargs, test=False)) S += kwargs.get("beta_dl", 1.) * self._Lrecdx_entropy() return S
[docs] def move_vertex(self, v, s): r"""Move vertex ``v`` to block ``s``.""" self.levels[0].move_vertex(v, s) self._regen_levels()
[docs] def remove_vertex(self, v): r"""Remove vertex ``v`` from its current group. This optionally accepts a list of vertices to remove. .. warning:: This will leave the state in an inconsistent state before the vertex is returned to some other group, or if the same vertex is removed twice. """ self.levels[0].remove_vertex(v) self._regen_levels()
[docs] def add_vertex(self, v, r): r"""Add vertex ``v`` to block ``r``. This optionally accepts a list of vertices and blocks to add. .. warning:: This can leave the state in an inconsistent state if a vertex is added twice to the same group. """ self.levels[0].add_vertex(v, r) self._regen_levels()
[docs] def get_edges_prob(self, missing, spurious=[], entropy_args={}): r"""Compute the joint log-probability of the missing and spurious edges given by ``missing`` and ``spurious`` (a list of ``(source, target)`` tuples, or :meth:`~graph_tool.Edge` instances), together with the observed edges. More precisely, the log-likelihood returned is .. math:: \ln \frac{P(\boldsymbol G + \delta \boldsymbol G | \boldsymbol b)}{P(\boldsymbol G| \boldsymbol b)} where :math:`\boldsymbol G + \delta \boldsymbol G` is the modified graph (with missing edges added and spurious edges deleted). The values in ``entropy_args`` are passed to :meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.entropy()` to calculate the log-probability. """ entropy_args = entropy_args.copy() hentropy_args = dict(self.hentropy_args, **entropy_args.pop("hentropy_args", {})) hentropy_args_top = dict(dict(hentropy_args, edges_dl=True, recs_dl=True), **entropy_args.pop("hentropy_args_top", {})) L = 0 for l, lstate in enumerate(self.levels): if l > 0: if l == (len(self.levels) - 1): eargs = hentropy_args_top else: eargs = hentropy_args else: eargs = entropy_args lstate._couple_state(None, None) if l > 0: lstate._state.sync_emat() lstate._state.clear_egroups() L += lstate.get_edges_prob(missing, spurious, entropy_args=eargs) if isinstance(self.levels[0], LayeredBlockState): missing = [(lstate.b[u], lstate.b[v], l_) for u, v, l_ in missing] spurious = [(lstate.b[u], lstate.b[v], l_) for u, v, l_ in spurious] else: missing = [(lstate.b[u], lstate.b[v]) for u, v in missing] spurious = [(lstate.b[u], lstate.b[v]) for u, v in spurious] return L
[docs] def get_bstack(self): """Return the nested levels as individual graphs. This returns a list of :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` instances representing the inferred hierarchy at each level. Each graph has two internal vertex and edge property maps named "count" which correspond to the vertex and edge counts at the lower level, respectively. Additionally, an internal vertex property map named "b" specifies the block partition. """ bstack = [] for l, bstate in enumerate(self.levels): cg = bstate.g if l == 0: cg = GraphView(cg, skip_properties=True) cg.vp["b"] = bstate.b.copy() if bstate.is_weighted: cg.ep["count"] = cg.own_property(bstate.eweight.copy()) cg.vp["count"] = cg.own_property(bstate.vweight.copy()) else: cg.ep["count"] = cg.new_ep("int", 1) bstack.append(cg) if bstate.get_N() == 1: break return bstack
[docs] def project_level(self, l): """Project the partition at level ``l`` onto the lowest level, and return the corresponding state.""" b = self.project_partition(l, 0) return self.levels[0].copy(b=b)
[docs] def print_summary(self): """Print a hierarchy summary.""" for l, state in enumerate(self.levels): print("l: %d, N: %d, B: %d" % (l, state.get_N(), state.get_nonempty_B())) if state.get_N() == 1: break
def _couple_levels(self, hentropy_args, hentropy_args_top): if hentropy_args_top is None: hentropy_args_top = dict(hentropy_args, edges_dl=True, recs_dl=True) for l in range(len(self.levels) - 1): if l + 1 == len(self.levels) - 1: eargs = hentropy_args_top else: eargs = hentropy_args self.levels[l]._couple_state(self.levels[l + 1], eargs) def _clear_egroups(self): for lstate in self.levels: lstate._clear_egroups() def _h_sweep_gen(self, **kwargs): verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) entropy_args = dict(kwargs.get("entropy_args", {}), edges_dl=False) hentropy_args = dict(self.hentropy_args, **entropy_args.pop("hentropy_args", {})) hentropy_args_top = dict(dict(hentropy_args, edges_dl=True, recs_dl=True), **entropy_args.pop("hentropy_args_top", {})) self._couple_levels(hentropy_args, hentropy_args_top) c = kwargs.get("c", None) lrange = list(kwargs.pop("ls", range(len(self.levels)))) if kwargs.pop("ls_shuffle", True): np.random.shuffle(lrange) for l in lrange: if check_verbose(verbose): print(verbose_pad(verbose) + "level:", l) if l > 0: if l == len(self.levels) - 1: eargs = hentropy_args_top else: eargs = hentropy_args else: eargs = entropy_args if c is None: args = dict(kwargs, entropy_args=eargs) else: args = dict(kwargs, entropy_args=eargs, c=c[l]) if l > 0: if "beta_dl" in entropy_args: args = dict(args, beta=args.get("beta", 1.) * entropy_args["beta_dl"]) for p in ["B_max", "B_min", "b_max", "b_min", "vertices"]: args.pop(p, None) yield l, self.levels[l], args def _h_sweep(self, algo, **kwargs): entropy_args = kwargs.get("entropy_args", {}) dS = 0 nattempts = 0 nmoves = 0 for l, lstate, args in self._h_sweep_gen(**kwargs): ret = algo(self.levels[l], **dict(args, test=False)) if l > 0 and "beta_dl" in entropy_args: dS += ret[0] * entropy_args["beta_dl"] else: dS += ret[0] nattempts += ret[1] nmoves += ret[2] return dS, nattempts, nmoves def _h_sweep_states(self, algo, **kwargs): entropy_args = kwargs.get("entropy_args", {}) for l, lstate, args in self._h_sweep_gen(**kwargs): beta_dl = entropy_args.get("beta_dl", 1) if l > 0 else 1 yield l, lstate, algo(self.levels[l], dispatch=False, **args), beta_dl def _h_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps, algo): ret = None for lsweep in zip(*sweeps): ls = [x[0] for x in lsweep] lstates = [x[1] for x in lsweep] lsweep_states = [x[2] for x in lsweep] beta_dl = [x[3] for x in lsweep] lret = algo(type(lstates[0]), lstates, lsweep_states) if ret is None: ret = lret else: ret = [(ret[i][0] + lret[i][0] * beta_dl[i], ret[i][1] + lret[i][1], ret[i][2] + lret[i][2]) for i in range(len(lret))] return ret
[docs] @mcmc_sweep_wrap def mcmc_sweep(self, **kwargs): r"""Perform ``niter`` sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection MCMC to sample hierarchical network partitions. The arguments accepted are the same as in :meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.mcmc_sweep`. If the parameter ``c`` is a scalar, the values used at each level are ``c * 2 ** l`` for ``l`` in the range ``[0, L-1]``. Optionally, a list of values may be passed instead, which specifies the value of ``c[l]`` to be used at each level. .. warning:: This function performs ``niter`` sweeps at each hierarchical level once. This means that in order for the chain to equilibrate, we need to call this function several times, i.e. it is not enough to call it once with a large value of ``niter``. """ c = kwargs.pop("c", 1) if not isinstance(c, c = [c * 2 ** l for l in range(0, len(self.levels))] if kwargs.pop("dispatch", True): return self._h_sweep(lambda s, **a: s.mcmc_sweep(**a), c=c, **kwargs) else: return self._h_sweep_states(lambda s, **a: s.mcmc_sweep(**a), c=c, **kwargs)
def _mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps): algo = lambda s, lstates, lsweep_states: s._mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(lstates, lsweep_states) return NestedBlockState._h_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps, algo)
[docs] @mcmc_sweep_wrap def multiflip_mcmc_sweep(self, **kwargs): r"""Perform ``niter`` sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection MCMC with multiple moves to sample hierarchical network partitions. The arguments accepted are the same as in :meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.multiflip_mcmc_sweep`. If the parameter ``c`` is a scalar, the values used at each level are ``c * 2 ** l`` for ``l`` in the range ``[0, L-1]``. Optionally, a list of values may be passed instead, which specifies the value of ``c[l]`` to be used at each level. .. warning:: This function performs ``niter`` sweeps at each hierarchical level once. This means that in order for the chain to equilibrate, we need to call this function several times, i.e. it is not enough to call it once with a large value of ``niter``. """ kwargs["psingle"] = kwargs.get("psingle", self.levels[0].get_N()) c = kwargs.pop("c", 1) if not isinstance(c, c = [c * 2 ** l for l in range(0, len(self.levels))] if kwargs.pop("dispatch", True): def dispatch_level(s, **a): if s is not self.levels[0]: a = dict(**a) a.pop("B_min", None) a.pop("B_max", None) a.pop("b_min", None) a.pop("b_max", None) return s.multiflip_mcmc_sweep(**a) return self._h_sweep(dispatch_level, c=c, **kwargs) else: return self._h_sweep_states(lambda s, **a: s.multiflip_mcmc_sweep(**a), c=c, **kwargs)
def _multiflip_mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps): algo = lambda s, lstates, lsweep_states: s._multiflip_mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(lstates, lsweep_states) return NestedBlockState._h_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps, algo)
[docs] @mcmc_sweep_wrap def multilevel_mcmc_sweep(self, **kwargs): r"""Perform ``niter`` sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection MCMC with multilevel moves to sample hierarchical network partitions. The arguments accepted are the same as in :meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.multilevel_mcmc_sweep`. If the parameter ``c`` is a scalar, the values used at each level are ``c * 2 ** l`` for ``l`` in the range ``[0, L-1]``. Optionally, a list of values may be passed instead, which specifies the value of ``c[l]`` to be used at each level. .. warning:: This function performs ``niter`` sweeps at each hierarchical level once. This means that in order for the chain to equilibrate, we need to call this function several times, i.e. it is not enough to call it once with a large value of ``niter``. """ c = kwargs.pop("c", 1) if not isinstance(c, c = [c * 2 ** l for l in range(0, len(self.levels))] if kwargs.pop("dispatch", True): return self._h_sweep(lambda s, **a: s.multilevel_mcmc_sweep(**a), c=c, **kwargs) else: return self._h_sweep_states(lambda s, **a: s.multilevel_mcmc_sweep(**a), c=c, **kwargs)
def _multilevel_mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps): algo = lambda s, lstates, lsweep_states: s._multilevel_mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(lstates, lsweep_states) return NestedBlockState._h_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps, algo)
[docs] @mcmc_sweep_wrap def gibbs_sweep(self, **kwargs): r"""Perform ``niter`` sweeps of a rejection-free Gibbs sampling MCMC to sample network partitions. The arguments accepted are the same as in :meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.gibbs_sweep`. .. warning:: This function performs ``niter`` sweeps at each hierarchical level once. This means that in order for the chain to equilibrate, we need to call this function several times, i.e. it is not enough to call it once with a large value of ``niter``. """ return self._h_sweep(lambda s, **a: s.gibbs_sweep(**a), **kwargs)
def _gibbs_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps): algo = lambda s, lstates, lsweep_states: s._gibbs_sweep_parallel_dispatch(lstates, lsweep_states) return NestedBlockState._h_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, sweeps, algo)
[docs] @mcmc_sweep_wrap def multicanonical_sweep(self, m_state, **kwargs): r"""Perform ``niter`` sweeps of a non-Markovian multicanonical sampling using the Wang-Landau algorithm. The arguments accepted are the same as in :meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.multicanonical_sweep`. """ def sweep(s, **kwargs): S = 0 for l, state in enumerate(self.levels): if s is state: continue S += self.level_entropy(l) return s.multicanonical_sweep(m_state, entropy_offset=S, **kwargs) return self._h_sweep(sweep)
[docs] def collect_partition_histogram(self, h=None, update=1): r"""Collect a histogram of partitions. This should be called multiple times, e.g. after repeated runs of the :meth:`graph_tool.inference.NestedBlockState.mcmc_sweep` function. Parameters ---------- h : :class:`~graph_tool.inference.PartitionHist` (optional, default: ``None``) Partition histogram. If not provided, an empty histogram will be created. update : float (optional, default: ``1``) Each call increases the current count by the amount given by this parameter. Returns ------- h : :class:`~graph_tool.inference.PartitionHist` (optional, default: ``None``) Updated Partition histogram. """ if h is None: h = PartitionHist() bs = [_prop("v", state.g, state.b) for state in self.levels] libinference.collect_hierarchical_partitions(bs, h, update) return h
[docs] def draw(self, **kwargs): r"""Convenience wrapper to :func:`~graph_tool.draw.draw_hierarchy` that draws the hierarchical state.""" import graph_tool.draw return graph_tool.draw.draw_hierarchy(self, vcmap=kwargs.pop("vcmap", graph_tool.draw.default_cm), **kwargs)
def get_hierarchy_tree(state, empty_branches=False): r"""Obtain the nested hierarchical levels as a tree. This transforms a :class:`~graph_tool.inference.NestedBlockState` instance into a single :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` instance containing the hierarchy tree. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~graph_tool.inference.NestedBlockState` Nested block model state. empty_branches : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``) If ``empty_branches == False``, dangling branches at the upper layers will be pruned. Returns ------- tree : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` A directed graph, where vertices are blocks, and a directed edge points to an upper to a lower level in the hierarchy. label : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vertex property map containing the block label for each node. order : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vertex property map containing the relative ordering of each layer according to the total degree of the groups at the specific levels. """ bstack = state.get_bstack() g = bstack[0] b = g.vp["b"] bstack = bstack[1:] if bstack[-1].num_vertices() > 1: bg = Graph(directed=g.is_directed()) bg.add_vertex() e = bg.add_edge(0, 0) bg.vp.count = bg.new_vp("int", 1) bg.ep.count = bg.new_ep("int", g.ep.count.fa.sum()) bg.vp.b = bg.new_vp("int", 0) bstack.append(bg) t = Graph() if g.get_vertex_filter()[0] is None: t.add_vertex(g.num_vertices()) else: t.add_vertex(g.num_vertices(ignore_filter=True)) filt = g.get_vertex_filter() t.set_vertex_filter(t.own_property(filt[0].copy()), filt[1]) label = t.vertex_index.copy("int") order = t.own_property(g.degree_property_map("total").copy()) t_vertices = list(t.vertices()) last_pos = 0 for l, s in enumerate(bstack): pos = t.num_vertices() if s.num_vertices() > 1: t_vertices.extend(t.add_vertex(s.num_vertices())) else: t_vertices.append(t.add_vertex(s.num_vertices())) label.a[-s.num_vertices():] = np.arange(s.num_vertices()) # relative ordering based on total degree count = s.ep["count"].copy("double") for e in s.edges(): if e.source() == count[e] /= 2 vs = [] pvs = {} for vi in range(pos, t.num_vertices()): vs.append(t_vertices[vi]) pvs[vs[-1]] = vi - pos vs = sorted(vs, key=lambda v: (s.vertex(pvs[v]).out_degree(count) + s.vertex(pvs[v]).in_degree(count))) for vi, v in enumerate(vs): order[v] = vi for vi, v in enumerate(g.vertices()): w = t_vertices[vi + last_pos] if s.num_vertices() == 1: u = t_vertices[pos] else: u = t_vertices[b[v] + pos] t.add_edge(u, w) last_pos = pos g = s if empty_branches: if g.num_vertices() == 1: break else: if g.vp.count.fa.sum() == 1: break b = g.vp["b"] if not empty_branches: vmask = t.new_vertex_property("bool", True) t = GraphView(t, vfilt=vmask) vmask = t.get_vertex_filter()[0] N = t.num_vertices() for vi, v in enumerate(list(t.vertices())): if vi < state.g.num_vertices(): continue if v.out_degree() == 0: vmask[v] = False label = t.own_property(label) order = t.own_property(order) return t, label, order from . minimize import *