
class graph_tool.inference.NormalGlauberBlockState(s, g=None, self_loops=False, fix_mean=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: DynamicsBlockStateBase

State for network reconstruction based on the dynamical multivariate normal distribution, using the Pseudolikelihood approximation and the stochastic block model as a prior.

fix_mean == True means that s will be changed to become zero-mean.

positive == True ensures that the result is positive-semidefinite, according to slack given by pslack.

See documentation for DynamicsBlockStateBase for more details.


add_edge(u, v, x[, dm])

Add edge \((u, v)\) with multiplicity dm and weight x.

bisect_t(v[, maxiter, tol, entropy_args, ...])

Perform a bisection search to find the best value of node v.

bisect_x(u, v[, maxiter, tol, entropy_args, ...])

Perform a bisection search to find the best weight value for edge \((u, v)\).


Collect marginal inferred network during MCMC runs.


Collect marginal latent multigraph during MCMC runs.


Return a copy of the state.

edge_MI(u, v)

Return the mutual information between nodes \(u\) and \(v\), according to their time-series.

edge_TE(u, v)

Return the transfer entropy between nodes \(u\) and \(v\), according to their time-series.

edge_cov(u, v[, toffset, pearson])

Return the covariance (or Pearson correlation if pearson == True) between nodes \(u\) and \(v\), according to their time-series.

edge_mcmc_sweep([beta, niter, k, ...])

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample latent edges.

edge_multiflip_mcmc_sweep([beta, niter, ...])

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection merge-split MCMC to sample discrete edge weight categories.

entropy([latent_edges, density, aE, sbm, ...])

Return the description length, i.e. the negative joint log-likelihood.


Return the underlying block state, which can be either BlockState or NestedBlockState.

get_candidate_edges([k, r, max_rk, epsilon, ...])

Return the \(\lfloor\kappa N\rceil\) best edge candidates according to a stochastic second neighbor search.


Return an NormalState instance corresponding to the inferred model, optionally with initial state given by s.

get_edge_prob(u, v, x[, entropy_args, epsilon])

Return conditional posterior log-probability of edge \((u,v)\).

get_edges_prob(elist[, entropy_args, epsilon])

Return conditional posterior log-probability of an edge list, with shape \((E,2)\).


Return the current default values for the parameters of the function entropy(), together with other operations that depend on them.


Return the current inferred graph.


Gets the model parameters via the dictionary params.


Return latent node values.


Return latent node categories.


Return latent edge weights.


Return latent edge weight categories.

mcmc_sweep([beta, niter, edge, edge_swap, ...])

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample latent edges and network partitions.


Quantize weight values according to multiples of \(\Delta\).

remove_edge(u, v[, dm])

Remove edge \((u, v)\) with multiplicity dm.


Reset the current default values for the parameters of the function entropy(), together with other operations that depend on them.

sample_delta(minval, maxval[, beta, ...])

Sample from the conditional posterior of the \(\Delta\) parameter associated with the edge and node categories.

sample_t(v[, beta, maxiter, tol, ...])

Sample a value for node v according to the conditional posterior.

sample_tl1(minval, maxval[, beta, maxiter, ...])

Sample from the conditional posterior of the \(\lambda\) parameter associated with the node categories.

sample_val_lprob(x, xc[, beta])

Compute probability of sampling value x from bisection history xc and inverse temperature beta.

sample_x(u, v[, beta, maxiter, tol, ...])

Sample a weight value for edge \((u, v)\) according to the conditional posterior.

sample_xl1(minval, maxval[, beta, maxiter, ...])

Sample from the conditional posterior of the \(\lambda\) parameter associated with the edge categories.


Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample node partitions.


Sets the model parameters via the dictionary params.

set_state(g, w)

Set all edge multiplicities via EdgePropertyMap w.

swap_mcmc_sweep([beta, niter, k, ...])

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to swap edge endpoints.

theta_mcmc_sweep([beta, niter, pold, pnew, ...])

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample node parameters.

theta_multiflip_mcmc_sweep([beta, pmerge, ...])

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection merge-split MCMC to sample discrete node value categories.

tvals_sweep([beta, niter, maxiter, ...])

Perform sweeps of a greedy update on the node category values, based on bisection search.

update_edge(u, v, nx)

update edge \((u, v)\) with weight nx.


Update the default values for the parameters of the function entropy() from the keyword arguments, in a stateful way, together with other operations that depend on them.

update_node(v, nt)

update node \((u, v)\) with value nt.

virtual_add_edge(u, v, x[, dm, entropy_args])

Return the difference in description length if edge \((u, v)\) would be added with multiplicity dm and weight x.

virtual_remove_edge(u, v[, dm, entropy_args])

Return the difference in description length if edge \((u, v)\) with multiplicity dm would be removed.

virtual_update_edge(u, v, nx[, entropy_args])

Return the difference in description length if edge \((u, v)\) would take a new weight nx.

virtual_update_node(v, nt[, entropy_args])

Return the difference in description length if node v would take a new value nt.

xvals_sweep([beta, niter, maxiter, tol, ...])

Perform sweeps of a greedy update on the edge weight category values, based on bisection search.

add_edge(u, v, x, dm=1)#

Add edge \((u, v)\) with multiplicity dm and weight x.

bisect_t(v, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={}, reversible=False, fb=False)#

Perform a bisection search to find the best value of node v.

uint or Vertex


vint or Vertex


maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

reversibleboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform search in a manner that is usable for a reversible Makov chain.

fbboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform a Fibonacci (a.k.a. golden ratio) search, instead of a random bisection search.

bisect_x(u, v, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={}, reversible=False, fb=False)#

Perform a bisection search to find the best weight value for edge \((u, v)\).

uint or Vertex


vint or Vertex


maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

reversibleboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform search in a manner that is usable for a reversible Makov chain.

fbboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform a Fibonacci (a.k.a. golden ratio) search, instead of a random bisection search.


Collect marginal inferred network during MCMC runs.

gGraph (optional, default: None)

Previous marginal graph.


New marginal graph, with internal edge EdgePropertyMap "eprob", containing the marginal probabilities for each edge.


The posterior marginal probability of an edge \((i,j)\) is defined as

\[\pi_{ij} = \sum_{\boldsymbol A}A_{ij}P(\boldsymbol A|\boldsymbol D)\]

where \(P(\boldsymbol A|\boldsymbol D)\) is the posterior probability given the data.


Collect marginal latent multigraph during MCMC runs.

gGraph (optional, default: None)

Previous marginal multigraph.


New marginal graph, with internal edge EdgePropertyMap "w" and "wcount", containing the edge multiplicities and their respective counts.


The mean posterior marginal multiplicity distribution of a multi-edge \((i,j)\) is defined as

\[\pi_{ij}(w) = \sum_{\boldsymbol G}\delta_{w,G_{ij}}P(\boldsymbol G|\boldsymbol D)\]

where \(P(\boldsymbol G|\boldsymbol D)\) is the posterior probability of a multigraph \(\boldsymbol G\) given the data.


Return a copy of the state.

edge_MI(u, v)#

Return the mutual information between nodes \(u\) and \(v\), according to their time-series.

edge_TE(u, v)#

Return the transfer entropy between nodes \(u\) and \(v\), according to their time-series.

edge_cov(u, v, toffset=True, pearson=False)#

Return the covariance (or Pearson correlation if pearson == True) between nodes \(u\) and \(v\), according to their time-series.

edge_mcmc_sweep(beta=inf, niter=1, k=1, elist_args={}, keep_elist=False, pold=1, pnew=1, pxu=0.1, pm=1, premove=1, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, binary=True, deterministic=False, sequential=True, parallel=True, verbose=False, entropy_args={}, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample latent edges.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of sweeps.

kint (optional, default: 1)

\(\kappa\) parameter to be passed to get_candidate_edges().

elist_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call get_candidate_edges().

keep_elistboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the candidate edge list from last call will be re-used (if it exists).

poldfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of proposing a new edge weight from existing categories.

pnewfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of proposing a new edge weight from a new categories.

pxufloat (optional, default: .1)

Probability of choosing from an existing category uniformly at random (instead of doing a bisection search).

pmfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of doing edge multiplicity updates.

premovefloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of removing edges.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

binaryboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the latent graph will be assumed to be a simple graph, otherwise a multigraph.

deterministicboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the the order of edge updates will be determinisitc, otherwise uniformly at random.

sequentialboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, a sweep will visit every edge candidate once, otherwise individiual updates will be chosen at random.

parallelboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the updates are performed in parallel, using locks on edges candidate incident on the same node.

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.

edge_multiflip_mcmc_sweep(beta=inf, niter=1, pmerge=1, psplit=1, pmergesplit=1, pmovelabel=1, gibbs_sweeps=1, c=0.1, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, accept_stats=None, verbose=False, entropy_args={}, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection merge-split MCMC to sample discrete edge weight categories.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of sweeps.

pmergefloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of merging two discrete categories.

psplitfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of splitting two discrete categories.

pmergesplitfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of simultaneoulsly merging and splitting two discrete categories.

pmovelabelfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of moving the value of a discrete category.

gibbs_sweepsint (optional, default: 1)

Number of Gibbs sweeps performed to achieve a split proposal.

cdouble (optional, default: .1)

Probability of choosing a category uniformly at random to perform a merge, otherwise an adjacent one is chosen.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

accept_statsdict (optional, default: None)

If provided, the dictionary will be updated with acceptance statistics.

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.

entropy(latent_edges=True, density=False, aE=1, sbm=True, xdist=True, tdist=True, xl1=1, tl1=1, alpha=1, delta=1e-08, normal=False, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs)#

Return the description length, i.e. the negative joint log-likelihood.


The default arguments of this function are overriden by those obtained from get_entropy_args(). To update the defaults in a stateful way, update_entropy_args() should be called.

latent_edgesboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the adjacency term of the description length will be included.

densityboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, a geometric prior for the total number of edges will be included.

aEdouble (optional, default: 1)

If density=True, this will correspond to the expected number of edges according to the geometric prior.

sbmboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, SBM description length will be included.

xdistboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the quantized edge weight distribution description length will be included.

tdistboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the quantized node parameter distribution description length will be included.

xl1float (optional, default: 1)

Specifies the \(\lambda\) parameter for \(L_1\) regularization for the edge weights if xdist == False, or the Laplace hyperprior for the discrete categories if xdist == True.

tl1float (optional, default: 1)

Specifies the \(\lambda\) parameter for \(L_1\) regularization for the node paraemters if tdist == False, or the Laplace hyperprior for the discrete categories if tdist == True.

deltafloat (optional, default: 1e-8)

Specifies the precision parameter for the discrete categories.

normalboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, a normal distribution will be used for the weight priors.

mudouble (optional, default: 0)

If normal == True, this will be the mean of the normal distribution.

sigmadouble (optional, default: 1)

If normal == True, this will be the standard deviation of the normal distribution.


The “entropy” of the state is the negative log-likelihood of the generative model for the data \(\boldsymbol S\), that includes the inferred weighted adjacency matrix \(\boldsymbol{X}\), the node parameters \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\), and the SBM node partition \(\boldsymbol{b},\) given by

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \Sigma(\boldsymbol{S},\boldsymbol{X},\boldsymbol{\theta}|\lambda_x,\lambda_{\theta},\Delta) = &- \ln P(\boldsymbol{S}|\boldsymbol{X},\boldsymbol{\theta})\\ &- \ln P(\boldsymbol{X}|\boldsymbol{A},\lambda_x, \Delta)\\ &- \ln P(\boldsymbol{A},\boldsymbol{b})\\ &- \ln P(\boldsymbol{\theta}, \lambda_{\theta}, \Delta). \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The term \(P(\boldsymbol{S}|\boldsymbol{X},\boldsymbol{\theta})\) is given by the particular generative model being used and \(P(\boldsymbol{A},\boldsymbol{b})\) by the SBM. The weight ditribution is given by the quantized model

\[P(\boldsymbol X|\boldsymbol A,\lambda_x,\Delta) = \frac{\prod_{k}m_{k}!\times \mathrm{e}^{-\lambda_x \sum_k |z_k|}(\mathrm{e}^{\lambda\Delta} - 1)^{K}} {E!{E-1 \choose K-1}2^{K}\max(E,1)}\]

where \(\boldsymbol z\) are the \(K\) discrete weight categories, and analogously

\[P(\boldsymbol\theta|\lambda_{\theta},\Delta) =\frac{\prod_{k}n_{k}!\times \mathrm{e}^{-\lambda \sum_k |u_k|} \sinh(\lambda_{\theta}\Delta)^{K_{\theta}-\mathbb{1}_{0\in\boldsymbol u}} (1-\mathrm{e}^{-\lambda_{\theta}\Delta})^{\mathbb{1}_{0\in\boldsymbol u}}} {N!{N-1 \choose K_{\theta}-1}N},\]

is the node parameter quantized distribution. For more details see [peixoto-network-2024].



Tiago P. Peixoto, “Network reconstruction via the minimum description length principle”, arXiv: 2405.01015


Tiago P. Peixoto, “Scalable network reconstruction in subquadratic time”, arXiv: 2401.01404


Return the underlying block state, which can be either BlockState or NestedBlockState.

get_candidate_edges(k=1, r=1, max_rk='k', epsilon=0.01, c_stop=False, max_iter=0, knn=False, gradient=None, h=1e-06, f_max_iter=10, tol=1e-06, allow_edges=False, include_edges=True, use_hint=True, nrandom=0, keep_all=False, exact=False, return_graph=False, keep_iter=False, entropy_args={}, verbose=False)#

Return the \(\lfloor\kappa N\rceil\) best edge candidates according to a stochastic second neighbor search.

kfloat (optional, default: 1)

\(\kappa\) parameter.

rfloat (optional, default: 1)

Fraction of second neighbors to consider during the search.

max_rkfloat (optional, default: "k")

Maximum number of second-neighbors to be considered per iteration. A string value "k" means that this will match the number of first neighbors.

epsilonfloat (optional, default: .01)

Convergence criterion.

c_stopboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the clustering coefficient will be used for the convergence criterion.

max_iterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations allowed (0 means unlimited).

knnboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the KNN graph will be returned.

gradientboolean (optional, default: None)

Whether to use the gradient to rank edges. If None, it defaults to True is the number of edge categories is empty.

hfloat (optional, default: 1e-8)

Step length used to compute the gradient with central finite difference.

allow_edgesboolean (optional, default: False)

Permit currently present edges to be included in the search.

use_hintboolean (optional, default: True)

Use current edges as a hint during the search.

nrandomint (optional, default: 0)

Add this many random entries to the list.

keep_allboolean (optional, default: False)

Keep all entries seen during the search, not only the best.

exactboolean (optional, default: False)

If True an exact quadratic algorithm will be used.

return_graphboolean (optional, default: False)

If True the result will be returned as graph and a property map.

keep_iterboolean (optional, default: False)

If True the result contain the iteration at which an entry has been found.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

elist:class:~numpy.ndarray of shape (E, 2)

Best entries.


Edge scores.


Return an NormalState instance corresponding to the inferred model, optionally with initial state given by s.

get_edge_prob(u, v, x, entropy_args={}, epsilon=1e-08)#

Return conditional posterior log-probability of edge \((u,v)\).

get_edges_prob(elist, entropy_args={}, epsilon=1e-08)#

Return conditional posterior log-probability of an edge list, with shape \((E,2)\).


Return the current default values for the parameters of the function entropy(), together with other operations that depend on them.


Return the current inferred graph.


Gets the model parameters via the dictionary params.


Return latent node values.


Return latent node categories.


Return latent edge weights.


Return latent edge weight categories.

mcmc_sweep(beta=inf, niter=1, edge=True, edge_swap=True, edge_multiflip=True, theta=True, theta_multiflip=True, sbm=True, xvals=True, tvals=True, k=1, keep_elist=False, verbose=False, elist_args={}, edge_mcmc_args={}, edge_swap_mcmc_args={}, edge_multiflip_mcmc_args={}, xvals_mcmc_args={}, theta_mcmc_args={}, theta_multiflip_mcmc_args={}, tvals_mcmc_args={}, sbm_mcmc_args={}, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample latent edges and network partitions.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of sweeps.

kint (optional, default: 1)

\(\kappa\) parameter to be passed to get_candidate_edges().

elist_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call get_candidate_edges().

keep_elistboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the candidate edge list from last call will be re-used (if it exists).

edgeboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call edge_mcmc_sweep().

edge_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call edge_mcmc_sweep().

edge_swapboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call swap_mcmc_sweep().

edge_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call swap_mcmc_sweep().

edge_multiflipboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call edge_multiflip_mcmc_sweep().

edge_multiflip_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call edge_multiflip_mcmc_sweep().

thetaboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call theta_mcmc_sweep().

theta_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call theta_mcmc_sweep().

theta_multiflipboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call theta_multiflip_mcmc_sweep().

theta_multiflip_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call theta_multiflip_mcmc_sweep().

sbmboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call sbm_mcmc_sweep().

sbm_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call sbm_mcmc_sweep().

xvalsboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call xvals_sweep().

xvals_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call xvals_sweep().

tvalsboolean (optiona, default: True)

Whether to call tvals_sweep().

tvals_mcmc_argsdict (optiona, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call tvals_sweep().

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.

**kwargsdict (optional, default: {})

Remaining keyword parameters will be passed to all individual MCMC functions.


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.


Quantize weight values according to multiples of \(\Delta\).

remove_edge(u, v, dm=1)#

Remove edge \((u, v)\) with multiplicity dm.


Reset the current default values for the parameters of the function entropy(), together with other operations that depend on them.

sample_delta(minval, maxval, beta=inf, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={})#

Sample from the conditional posterior of the \(\Delta\) parameter associated with the edge and node categories.


Minimum value to consider.


Maximum value to consider.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of iterations.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().


Sampled value of \(\Delta\).

sample_t(v, beta=inf, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={}, fb=False)#

Sample a value for node v according to the conditional posterior.

uint or Vertex


vint or Vertex


maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

reversibleboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform search in a manner that is usable for a reversible Makov chain.

fbboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform a Fibonacci (a.k.a. golden ratio) search, instead of a random bisection search.

sample_tl1(minval, maxval, beta=inf, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={})#

Sample from the conditional posterior of the \(\lambda\) parameter associated with the node categories.


Minimum value to consider.


Maximum value to consider.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of iterations.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().


Sampled value of \(\lambda\).

sample_val_lprob(x, xc, beta=inf)#

Compute probability of sampling value x from bisection history xc and inverse temperature beta.

sample_x(u, v, beta=inf, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={}, fb=False)#

Sample a weight value for edge \((u, v)\) according to the conditional posterior.

uint or Vertex


vint or Vertex


maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

reversibleboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform search in a manner that is usable for a reversible Makov chain.

fbboolean (optional, default: False)

Perform a Fibonacci (a.k.a. golden ratio) search, instead of a random bisection search.

sample_xl1(minval, maxval, beta=inf, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={})#

Sample from the conditional posterior of the \(\lambda\) parameter associated with the edge categories.


Minimum value to consider.


Maximum value to consider.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of iterations.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().


Sampled value of \(\lambda\).

sbm_mcmc_sweep(multiflip=True, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample node partitions. The remaining keyword parameters will be passed to mcmc_sweep() or multiflip_mcmc_sweep(), if multiflip=True.


Sets the model parameters via the dictionary params.

set_state(g, w)#

Set all edge multiplicities via EdgePropertyMap w.

swap_mcmc_sweep(beta=inf, niter=1, k=1, elist_args={}, keep_elist=False, pmove=1, ptmove=1, pswap=1, deterministic=False, sequential=True, parallel=True, verbose=False, entropy_args={}, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to swap edge endpoints.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of sweeps.

kint (optional, default: 1)

\(\kappa\) parameter to be passed to get_candidate_edges().

elist_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Paramters to pass to call get_candidate_edges().

keep_elistboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the candidate edge list from last call will be re-used (if it exists).

pmovefloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of swaping the weights between two randomly chosen edges.

ptmovefloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of moving a single edge endpoint of an edge with a candidate edge.

pswapfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of swapping the endpoints of two randomly selected edges.

deterministicboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the the order of edge updates will be determinisitc, otherwise uniformly at random.

sequentialboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, a sweep will visit every edge candidate once, otherwise individiual updates will be chosen at random.

parallelboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the updates are performed in parallel, using locks on edges candidate incident on the same node.

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.

theta_mcmc_sweep(beta=inf, niter=1, pold=1, pnew=1, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, deterministic=False, sequential=True, parallel=True, verbose=False, entropy_args={}, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection sampling MCMC to sample node parameters.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of sweeps.

poldfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of proposing a new node value from existing categories.

pnewfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of proposing a new node value from a new categories.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

deterministicboolean (optional, default: False)

If True, the the order of node updates will be determinisitc, otherwise uniformly at random.

sequentialboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, a sweep will visit every node once, otherwise individiual updates will be chosen at random.

parallelboolean (optional, default: True)

If True, the updates are performed in parallel.

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.

theta_multiflip_mcmc_sweep(beta=inf, pmerge=1, psplit=1, pmergesplit=1, pmovelabel=0, gibbs_sweeps=1, c=0.1, niter=1, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={}, accept_stats=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)#

Perform sweeps of a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection merge-split MCMC to sample discrete node value categories.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 1)

Number of sweeps.

pmergefloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of merging two discrete categories.

psplitfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of splitting two discrete categories.

pmergesplitfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of simultaneoulsly merging and splitting two discrete categories.

pmovelabelfloat (optional, default: 1)

Relative probability of moving the value of a discrete category.

gibbs_sweepsint (optional, default: 1)

Number of Gibbs sweeps performed to achieve a split proposal.

cdouble (optional, default: .1)

Probability of choosing a category uniformly at random to perform a merge, otherwise an adjacent one is chosen.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

accept_statsdict (optional, default: None)

If provided, the dictionary will be updated with acceptance statistics.

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.

tvals_sweep(beta=inf, niter=100, maxiter=0, min_size=1, tol=1e-07, entropy_args={})#

Perform sweeps of a greedy update on the node category values, based on bisection search.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 100)

Number of categories to update.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

min_sizeint (optional, default: 1)

Minimum size of node categories that will be updated.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.

update_edge(u, v, nx)#

update edge \((u, v)\) with weight nx.


Update the default values for the parameters of the function entropy() from the keyword arguments, in a stateful way, together with other operations that depend on them.

Values updated in this manner are preserved by the copying or pickling of the state.

update_node(v, nt)#

update node \((u, v)\) with value nt.

virtual_add_edge(u, v, x, dm=1, entropy_args={})#

Return the difference in description length if edge \((u, v)\) would be added with multiplicity dm and weight x.

virtual_remove_edge(u, v, dm=1, entropy_args={})#

Return the difference in description length if edge \((u, v)\) with multiplicity dm would be removed.

virtual_update_edge(u, v, nx, entropy_args={})#

Return the difference in description length if edge \((u, v)\) would take a new weight nx.

virtual_update_node(v, nt, entropy_args={})#

Return the difference in description length if node v would take a new value nt.

xvals_sweep(beta=inf, niter=100, maxiter=0, tol=1e-07, min_size=1, entropy_args={})#

Perform sweeps of a greedy update on the edge weight category values, based on bisection search.

betafloat (optional, default: np.inf)

Inverse temperature parameter.

niterint (optional, default: 100)

Number of categories to update.

maxiterint (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations for bisection search (0 means unlimited).

tolfloat (optional, default: 1e-7)

Tolerance for bisection search.

min_sizeint (optional, default: 1)

Minimum size of edge categories that will be updated.

entropy_argsdict (optional, default: {})

Entropy arguments, with the same meaning and defaults as in entropy().

verboseboolean (optional, default: False)

If verbose == True, detailed information will be displayed.


Entropy difference after the sweeps.


Number of variables moved.