This module includes several search algorithms, which are customizable to arbitrary purposes. It is mostly a wrapper around the Visitor interface of the Boost Graph Library, and the respective search functions.
Breadth-first traversal of a directed or undirected graph. |
Return an iterator of the edges corresponding to a breath-first traversal of the graph. |
Depth-first traversal of a directed or undirected graph. |
Return an iterator of the edges corresponding to a depth-first traversal of the graph. |
Dijkstra traversal of a directed or undirected graph, with non-negative weights. |
Return an iterator of the edges corresponding to a Dijkstra traversal of the graph. |
Heuristic \(A^*\) search on a weighted, directed or undirected graph for the case where all edge weights are non-negative. |
Return an iterator of the edges corresponding to an \(A^*\) traversal of the graph. |
Bellman-Ford traversal of a directed or undirected graph, with negative weights. |
A visitor object that is invoked at the event-points inside the |
A visitor object that is invoked at the event-points inside the |
A visitor object that is invoked at the event-points inside the |
A visitor object that is invoked at the event-points inside the |
A visitor object that is invoked at the event-points inside the |
If this exception is raised from inside any search visitor object, the search is aborted. |
Example network#
In this module, most documentation examples will make use of the network
, shown below.
>>> g = gt.load_graph("search_example.xml")
>>> name = g.vp["name"]
>>> weight = g.ep["weight"]
>>> pos = g.vp["pos"]
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos, vertex_text=name, vertex_font_size=12, vertex_shape="double_circle",
... vertex_fill_color="#729fcf", vertex_pen_width=3,
... edge_pen_width=weight, output="search_example.svg")
This is the network used in the examples below. The width of the edges correspond to the values of the “weight” property map.#