This module contains implementations of some often-studied dynamical processes that take place on networks.
Discrete-time dynamics#
Base state for discrete-time dynamics. |
Base state for epidemic dynamics. |
SI compartmental epidemic model. |
SIS compartmental epidemic model. |
SIR compartmental epidemic model. |
SIRS compartmental epidemic model. |
Generalized q-state voter model dynamics. |
Generalized q-state majority voter model dynamics. |
Generalized binary threshold dynamics. |
Glauber dynamics of the Ising model. |
Glauber dynamics of the continuous Ising model. |
Metropolis-Hastings dynamics of the Ising model. |
Glauber dynamics of the generalized Potts model. |
Metropolis-Hastings dynamics of the Potts model. |
Axelrod's culture dissemination model. |
Boolean network dynamics. |
Kirman's "ant colony" model. |
Multivariate Normal distribution. |
Linear distrecte-time dynamical system with noise. |
Continuous-time dynamics#
Base state for continuous-time dynamics. |
Linear dynamical system with noise. |
Generalized Lotka-Volterra model. |
The Kuramoto model. |
Belief propagation#
Base class for belief propagation (BP) states. |
Belief-propagtion equations for a genralized Potts model. |
Belief-propagation equations for the Ising model. |
Belief-propagation equations for the multivariate Normal distribution. |