This module contains algorithms for the identification of large-scale network structure via the statistical inference of generative models.
An introduction to the concepts used here, as well as a basic HOWTO is included in the cookbook section: Inferring modular network structure.
Nonparametric stochastic block model inference#
High-level functions#
Fit the stochastic block model, by minimizing its description length using an agglomerative heuristic. |
Fit the nested stochastic block model, by minimizing its description length using an agglomerative heuristic. |
State classes#
The stochastic block model state of a given graph. |
The overlapping stochastic block model state of a given graph. |
The (possibly overlapping) block state of a given graph, where the edges are divided into discrete layers. |
The nested stochastic block model state of a given graph. |
Obtain the partition of a network according to the Bayesian planted partition model. |
Obtain the ordered partition of a network according to the ranked stochastic block model. |
Obtain the partition of a network according to the maximization of Newman's modularity. |
Obtain the partition of a network according to the normalized cut. |
This class aggregates several state classes and corresponding inverse-temperature values to implement parallel tempering MCMC. |
The state of a clique decomposition of a given graph. |
Abstract base classes#
Base state that implements entropy arguments. |
Base state that implements single-flip MCMC sweeps. |
Base state that implements multiflip (merge-split) MCMC sweeps. |
Base state that implements multilevel agglomerative MCMC sweeps. |
Base state that implements single flip MCMC sweeps. |
Base state that implements multicanonical MCMC sweeps. |
Base state that implements exhaustive enumerative sweeps. |
Base state that implements group-based drawing. |
Sampling and minimization#
Equilibrate a MCMC with a given starting state. |
Equilibrate a MCMC at a specified target temperature by performing simulated annealing. |
Equilibrate a multicanonical Monte Carlo sampling using the Wang-Landau algorithm. |
The density of states of a multicanonical Monte Carlo algorithm. |
Comparing and manipulating partitions#
The random label model state for a set of labelled partitions, which attempts to align them with a common group labelling. |
The mixed random label model state for a set of labelled partitions, which attempts to align them inside clusters with a common group labelling. |
Obtain the center of a set of partitions, according to the variation of information metric or reduced mutual information. |
Returns the maximum overlap between partitions, according to an optimal label alignment. |
Returns the hierarchical maximum overlap between nested partitions, according to an optimal recursive label alignment. |
Returns the variation of information between two partitions. |
Returns the mutual information between two partitions. |
Returns the reduced mutual information between two partitions. |
Returns the contingency graph between both partitions. |
Returns a copy of partition |
Returns a copy of partition |
Returns a copy of nested partition |
Returns a copy of partition |
Returns a copy of nested partition |
Find a partition with a maximal overlap to all items of the list of partitions given. |
Find a nested partition with a maximal overlap to all items of the list of nested partitions given. |
Returns a copy of nested partition |
Remap the values of |
Remap the values of the nested partition |
Auxiliary functions#
Compute the "mean field" entropy given the vertex block membership marginals. |
Compute the Bethe entropy given the edge block membership marginals. |
Compute microstate entropy given a histogram of partitions. |
Compute the entropy of the marginal latent multigraph distribution. |
Generate a half-edge graph, where each half-edge is represented by a node, and an edge connects the half-edges like in the original graph. |
Get edge gradients corresponding to the block membership at the endpoints of the edges given by the |
Auxiliary classes#
Histogram of partitions, implemented in C++. |
Histogram of block pairs, implemented in C++. |
Nonparametric network reconstruction#
Reconstruction from direct measurements#
Base state for uncertain latent layer network inference. |
Inference state of an erased Poisson multigraph, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Inference state of the stochastic block model with latent triadic closure edges. |
Inference state of a measured graph, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Inference state of a measured graph, using the stochastic block model with triadic closure as a prior. |
Inference state of a measured graph with heterogeneous errors, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Inference state of an uncertain graph, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Base state for uncertain network inference. |
Expectation-maximization inference#
Infer latent Poisson multigraph model given an "erased" simple graph. |
Reconstruction from dynamics and behavior#
Base state for network reconstruction based on dynamical or behavioral data, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Base state for network reconstruction where the respective model can be used with belief-propagation. |
State for network reconstruction based on the multivariate normal distribution, using the Pseudolikelihood approximation and the stochastic block model as a prior. |
State for network reconstruction based on the dynamical multivariate normal distribution, using the Pseudolikelihood approximation and the stochastic block model as a prior. |
State for network reconstruction based on a linear dynamical model. |
Base state for network reconstruction based on dynamical or behavioral data, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Inference state for network reconstruction based on epidemic dynamics, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Base state for network reconstruction based on the Ising model, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
State for network reconstruction based on the Glauber dynamics of the Ising model, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
State for network reconstruction based on the Glauber dynamics of the continuous Ising model, using the stochastic block model as a prior. |
State for network reconstruction based on the equilibrium configurations of the Ising model, using the pseudolikelihood approximation and the stochastic block model as a prior. |
State for network reconstruction based on the equilibrium configurations of the continuous Ising model, using the Pseudolikelihood approximation and the stochastic block model as a prior. |
Semiparametric stochastic block model inference#
State classes#
The parametric, undirected stochastic block model state of a given graph. |
Expectation-maximization Inference#
Infer the model parameters and latent variables using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm with initial state given by |
Large-scale descriptors#
Calculate Newman's (generalized) modularity of a network partition. |