#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# graph_tool -- a general graph manipulation python module
# Copyright (C) 2006-2025 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <tiago@skewed.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from .. import _prop, Graph, libcore, _get_rng, PropertyMap, \
VertexPropertyMap, Vector_size_t, Vector_double, group_vector_property, \
from .. generation import condensation_graph, random_rewire, generate_sbm, \
solve_sbm_fugacities, generate_maxent_sbm, remove_parallel_edges, \
from .. spectral import adjacency
import numpy as np
import math
import copy
import collections.abc
import itertools
import warnings
from . util import *
from . base_states import *
from . base_states import _bm_test
from .. dl_import import dl_import
dl_import("from . import libgraph_tool_inference as libinference")
from . libgraph_tool_inference import PartitionHist, BlockPairHist
def get_block_graph(g, B, b, vcount=None, ecount=None, rec=None, drec=None):
if isinstance(ecount, libinference.unity_eprop_t):
ecount = None
if isinstance(vcount, libinference.unity_vprop_t):
vcount = None
aprops = []
if rec is not None:
for r in rec:
if drec is not None:
for r in drec:
cg, vcount, ecount, ap = condensation_graph(g, b, eweight=ecount,
cg.vp.count = vcount
cg.ep.count = ecount
if rec is not None:
for i in range(len(rec)):
cg.ep["rec%d" % i] = ap[0]
del ap[0]
if drec is not None:
for i in range(len(drec)):
cg.ep["drec%d" % i] = ap[0]
del ap[0]
cg.add_vertex(B - cg.num_vertices())
cg.gp.rec = cg.new_gp("object", [])
if rec is not None:
for i in range(len(rec)):
cg.gp.rec.append(cg.ep["rec%d" % i])
del cg.ep["rec%d" % i]
cg.gp.drec = cg.new_gp("object", [])
if drec is not None:
for i in range(len(drec)):
cg.gp.drec.append(cg.ep["drec%d" % i])
del cg.ep["drec%d" % i]
return cg
_q_cache_max_n = 10000
def init_q_cache(max_n=None):
if max_n is None:
max_n = _q_cache_max_n
libinference.init_q_cache(min((_q_cache_max_n, max_n)))
class BlockState(MCMCState, MultiflipMCMCState, MultilevelMCMCState,
GibbsMCMCState, MulticanonicalMCMCState, ExhaustiveSweepState,
r"""The stochastic block model state of a given graph.
g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph`
Graph to be modelled.
b : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Initial block labels on the vertices. If not supplied, it will be
randomly sampled.
B : ``int`` (optional, default: ``None``)
Number of blocks (or vertex groups). If not supplied it will be obtained
from the parameter ``b``.
eweight : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Edge multiplicities (for multigraphs or block graphs).
vweight : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Vertex multiplicities (for block graphs).
recs : list of :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` instances (optional, default: ``[]``)
List of real or discrete-valued edge covariates.
rec_types : list of edge covariate types (optional, default: ``[]``)
List of types of edge covariates. The possible types are:
``"real-exponential"``, ``"real-normal"``, ``"discrete-geometric"``,
``"discrete-poisson"`` or ``"discrete-binomial"``.
rec_params : list of ``dict`` (optional, default: ``[]``)
Model hyperparameters for edge covariates. This should be a list of
``dict`` instances, or the string `"microcanonical"` (the default if
nothing is specified). The keys depend on the type of edge covariate:
``"real-exponential"`` or ``"discrete-poisson"``
The parameter list is ``["r", "theta"]``, corresponding to the
parameters of the `Gamma
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution>`_ prior
distribution. If unspecified, the default is the "empirical Bayes"
choice: ``r = 1.0`` and ``theta`` is the global average of the edge
The parameter list is ``["alpha", "beta"]``, corresponding to the
parameters of the `Beta
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution>`_ prior
distribution. If unspecified, the default is the noninformative
choice: ``alpha = beta = 1.0``
The parameter list is ``["N", "alpha", "beta"]``, corresponding to
the number of trials ``N`` and the parameters of the `Beta
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution>`_ prior
distribution. If unspecified, the default is the noninformative
choice, ``alpha = beta = 1.0``, and ``N`` is taken to be the maximum
edge covarite value.
The parameter list is ``["m0", "k0", "v0", "nu0"]`` corresponding to
the `normal
prior. If unspecified, the defaults are: ``m0 = rec.fa.mean()``,
``k0 = 1``, ``v0 = rec.fa.std() ** 2``, and ``nu0 = 3``, where
``rec`` is the corresponding edge covariate property map.
clabel : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Constraint labels on the vertices. If supplied, vertices with different
label values will not be clustered in the same group.
pclabel : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Partition constraint labels on the vertices. This has the same
interpretation as ``clabel``, but will be used to compute the partition
description length.
bfield : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Local field acting as a prior for the node partition. This should be a
vector property map of type ``vector<double>``, and contain the
log-probability for each node to be placed in each group.
deg_corr : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the degree-corrected version of the blockmodel ensemble will
be assumed, otherwise the traditional variant will be used.
dense_bg : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``)
If ``True`` a dense matrix is used for the block graph, otherwise a
sparse matrix will be used.
entropy_args: ``dict`` (optional, default: ``{}``)
Override default arguments for :meth:`~BlockState.entropy()` method and
releated operations.
def __init__(self, g, b=None, B=None, eweight=None, vweight=None, recs=[],
rec_types=[], rec_params=[], clabel=None, pclabel=None,
bfield=None, Bfield=None, deg_corr=True, dense_bg=False,
entropy_args={}, **kwargs):
EntropyState.__init__(self, entropy_args=entropy_args)
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
if eweight is None:
eweight = g.new_ep("int", 1)
elif eweight.value_type() != "int32_t":
eweight = g.own_property(eweight.copy(value_type="int32_t"))
eweight = g.own_property(eweight)
if vweight is None:
vweight = g.new_vp("int", 1)
elif vweight.value_type() != "int32_t":
vweight = g.own_property(vweight.copy(value_type="int32_t"))
vweight = g.own_property(vweight)
self.eweight = eweight
self.vweight = vweight
self.is_weighted = True
# configure the main graph and block model parameters
self.g = g
self.deg_corr = deg_corr
self.overlap = False
if clabel is None:
clabel = pclabel
if b is None:
b = clabel
if B is None and b is None:
B = 1
# ensure we have at most as many blocks as nodes
if B is not None and b is None:
B = min((B, self.g.num_vertices()))
if b is None:
# create a random partition into B blocks.
if B is None:
raise ValueError("either 'b' or 'B' must be specified")
B = min((B, self.g.num_vertices()))
ba = np.random.randint(0, B, self.g.num_vertices())
ba[:B] = np.arange(B) # avoid empty blocks
if B < self.g.num_vertices():
b = g.new_vp("int")
b.fa = ba
self.b = b
# if a partition is available, we will incorporate it.
if isinstance(b, np.ndarray):
self.b = g.new_vp("int")
ba = np.zeros(len(self.b.fa), dtype="int")
ba[:min((len(ba), len(b)))] = b[:min((len(ba), len(b)))]
self.b.fa = ba
self.b = b = g.own_property(b.copy(value_type="int32_t"))
if B is None:
B = int(self.b.fa.max()) + 1
self.rec = [self.g.own_property(p) for p in recs]
for i in range(len(self.rec)):
if self.rec[i].value_type() != "double":
self.rec[i] = self.rec[i].copy("double")
self.drec = kwargs.pop("drec", None)
if self.drec is None:
self.drec = []
for rec in self.rec:
self.drec.append(self.g.new_ep("double", vals=rec.fa ** 2))
if (isinstance(self.drec, PropertyMap) and
self.drec.value_type() == "vector<double>"):
self.drec = ungroup_vector_property(self.drec,
self.drec = [self.g.own_property(p) for p in self.drec]
rec_types = list(rec_types)
rec_params = list(rec_params)
# if len(rec_params) < len(rec_types):
# rec_params += [{} for i in range((len(rec_types) -
# len(rec_params)))]
if len(self.rec) > 0 and rec_types[0] != libinference.rec_type.count:
rec_types.insert(0, libinference.rec_type.count)
rec_params.insert(0, {})
if isinstance(self.eweight, libinference.unity_eprop_t):
self.rec.insert(0, self.g.new_ep("double", val=1))
self.rec.insert(0, self.eweight.copy("double"))
self.drec.insert(0, self.g.new_ep("double"))
# Construct block-graph
self.bg = get_block_graph(g, B, self.b, self.vweight, self.eweight,
rec=self.rec, drec=self.drec)
self.mrs = self.bg.ep["count"]
self.wr = self.bg.vp["count"]
self.mrp = self.bg.degree_property_map("out", weight=self.mrs)
if g.is_directed():
self.mrm = self.bg.degree_property_map("in", weight=self.mrs)
self.mrm = self.mrp
if pclabel is not None:
if isinstance(pclabel, PropertyMap):
self.pclabel = self.g.own_property(pclabel).copy("int")
self.pclabel = self.g.new_vp("int")
self.pclabel.fa = pclabel
self.pclabel = self.g.new_vp("int")
if clabel is not None:
if isinstance(clabel, PropertyMap):
self.clabel = self.g.own_property(clabel)
self.clabel = self.g.new_vp("int")
self.clabel.fa = clabel
self.clabel = self.g.new_vp("int")
self._coupled_state = None
if not self._check_clabel():
raise ValueError("provided clabel is inconsistent with node partition")
if not self._check_clabel(clabel=self.pclabel):
raise ValueError("provided pclabel is inconsistent with node partition")
if not self._check_clabel(b=self.pclabel, clabel=self.clabel):
raise ValueError("provided pclabel and clabel are inconsistent")
self.bclabel = self.get_bclabel()
self.hclabel = self.bg.new_vp("int")
self.dense_bg = dense_bg
self.use_hash = not self.dense_bg
self.use_rmap = kwargs.pop("use_rmap", False)
self._init_recs(self.rec, rec_types, rec_params)
self.recdx = libcore.Vector_double(len(self.rec))
self.Lrecdx = kwargs.pop("Lrecdx", None)
if self.Lrecdx is None:
self.Lrecdx = libcore.Vector_double(len(self.rec)+1)
self.Lrecdx[0] = -1
self.epsilon = kwargs.pop("epsilon", None)
if self.epsilon is None:
self.epsilon = libcore.Vector_double(len(self.rec))
for i in range(len(self.rec)):
idx = self.rec[i].a != 0
if not isinstance(self.eweight, libinference.unity_eprop_t):
idx = np.logical_and(idx, self.eweight.a > 0)
if np.any(idx):
self.epsilon[i] = abs(self.rec[i].a[idx]).min() / 10
self.bfield = g.new_vp("vector<double>") if bfield is None else self.g.own_property(bfield)
if self.bfield.value_type() != "vector<double>":
raise ValueError("'bfield' property map must be of type 'vector<double>'")
if Bfield is None:
self.Bfield = Vector_double()
self.Bfield = Vector_double(len(Bfield))
self.Bfield.a = Bfield
self._abg = self.bg._get_any()
self._avweight = self.vweight._get_any()
self._aeweight = self.eweight._get_any()
self._state = libinference.make_block_state(self)
if _bm_test():
assert all(self.recdx.a >= 0), self.recdx.a
if deg_corr:
init_q_cache(max((2 * max((self.get_E(), self.get_N())), 100)))
if len(kwargs) > 0:
warnings.warn("unrecognized keyword arguments: " +
def _init_recs(self, recs, rec_types, rec_params):
if len(rec_types) != len(recs):
raise ValueError("The size of 'rec_types' (%d) must be the same of 'recs' (%d)" %
(len(rec_types), len(recs)))
self.rec_types = libcore.Vector_int32_t()
for rec_type in rec_types:
if rec_type == "real-exponential":
rt = libinference.rec_type.real_exponential
elif rec_type == "real-normal":
rt = libinference.rec_type.real_normal
elif rec_type == "discrete-geometric":
rt = libinference.rec_type.discrete_geometric
elif rec_type == "discrete-poisson":
rt = libinference.rec_type.discrete_poisson
elif rec_type == "discrete-binomial":
rt = libinference.rec_type.discrete_binomial
rt = rec_type
self.brec = [self.bg.own_property(p) for p in self.bg.gp.rec]
self.bdrec = [self.bg.own_property(p) for p in self.bg.gp.drec]
self.brecsum = self.bg.new_vp("double")
self.rec_params = rec_params = list(rec_params)
while len(rec_params) < len(self.rec_types):
self.wparams = libcore.Vector_Vector_double()
for i, rt in enumerate(self.rec_types):
ps = Vector_double()
if rt == libinference.rec_type.count:
defaults = {}
elif rt in [libinference.rec_type.real_exponential,
if rec_params[i] != "microcanonical":
defaults = {"alpha": 1,
"beta": self.rec[i].fa.mean()}
defaults = {"alpha": np.nan,
"beta": np.nan}
elif rt == libinference.rec_type.real_normal:
if rec_params[i] != "microcanonical":
defaults = {"m0": self.rec[i].fa.mean(),
"k0": 1,
"v0": self.rec[i].fa.std() ** 2,
"nu0": 3}
defaults = {"m0": np.nan,
"k0": np.nan,
"v0": np.nan,
"nu0": np.nan}
elif rt == libinference.rec_type.discrete_geometric:
if rec_params[i] != "microcanonical":
defaults = {"alpha": 1,
"beta": 1}
defaults = {"alpha": np.nan,
"beta": np.nan}
elif rt == libinference.rec_type.discrete_binomial:
if rec_params[i] != "microcanonical":
defaults = {"N": self.rec[i].fa.max(),
"alpha": 1,
"beta": 1}
defaults = {"N": self.rec[i].fa.max(),
"alpha": np.nan,
"beta": np.nan}
ks = list(defaults.keys())
if rec_params[i] != "microcanonical":
rec_params[i] = defaults.copy()
for k in ks:
if len(defaults) > 0:
raise ValueError("unknown parameters for weight type: " +
def get_rec_params(self):
"""Get model hyperparameters for edge covariates."""
params = []
for rt, ps in zip(self.rec_types, self.rec_params):
if rt == libinference.rec_type.count:
p = dict(ps)
return params
def set_rec_params(self, params):
"""Update model hyperparameters for edge covariates."""
for ps, ws, nps in zip(self.rec_params[1:], self.wparams[1:], params):
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(ps.items()):
ws[i] = v
def __repr__(self):
return "<BlockState object with %d blocks (%d nonempty),%s%s for graph %s, at 0x%x>" % \
(self.get_B(), self.get_nonempty_B(),
" degree-corrected," if self.deg_corr else "",
((" with %d edge covariate%s," % (len(self.rec_types) - 1,
"s" if len(self.rec_types) > 2 else ""))
if len(self.rec_types) > 0 else ""),
str(self.g), id(self))
def __copy__(self):
return self.copy()
def copy(self, g=None, eweight=None, vweight=None, b=None, B=None,
deg_corr=None, clabel=None, overlap=False, pclabel=None,
bfield=None, dense_bg=None, **kwargs):
r"""Copies the block state. The parameters override the state properties, and
have the same meaning as in the constructor."""
if not overlap:
state = BlockState(self.g if g is None else g,
eweight=self.eweight if eweight is None else eweight,
vweight=self.vweight if vweight is None else vweight,
b=self.b.copy() if b is None else b,
B=(self.get_B() if b is None else None) if B is None else B,
clabel=self.clabel if clabel is None else clabel,
pclabel=self.pclabel if pclabel is None else pclabel,
bfield=self.bfield if bfield is None else bfield,
deg_corr=self.deg_corr if deg_corr is None else deg_corr,
dense_bg=self.dense_bg if dense_bg is None else dense_bg,
recs=kwargs.pop("recs", self.rec),
drec=kwargs.pop("drec", self.drec),
rec_types=kwargs.pop("rec_types", self.rec_types),
Lrecdx=kwargs.pop("Lrecdx", self.Lrecdx.copy()),
state = OverlapBlockState(self.g if g is None else g,
b=self.b.copy() if b is None else b,
B=(self.get_B() if b is None else None) if B is None else B,
recs=kwargs.pop("recs", self.rec),
drec=kwargs.pop("drec", self.drec),
clabel=self.clabel if clabel is None else clabel,
pclabel=self.pclabel if pclabel is None else pclabel,
deg_corr=self.deg_corr if deg_corr is None else deg_corr,
dense_bg=self.dense_bg if dense_bg is None else dense_bg,
Lrecdx=kwargs.pop("Lrecdx", self.Lrecdx.copy()),
if self._coupled_state is not None:
return state
def __getstate__(self):
state = EntropyState.__getstate__(self)
state = dict(state,
eweight=self.eweight if self.is_weighted else None,
vweight=self.vweight if self.is_weighted else None,
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
def get_block_state(self, b=None, vweight=False, **kwargs):
r"""Returns a :class:`~graph_tool.inference.BlockState` corresponding
to the block graph (i.e. the blocks of the current state become the
nodes). The parameters have the same meaning as the in the
constructor. If ``vweight == True`` the nodes of the block state are
weighted with the node counts.
deg_corr = kwargs.pop("deg_corr", self.deg_corr if vweight == True else False)
copy_bg = kwargs.pop("copy_bg", True)
if copy_bg:
self.bg.ep["eweight"] = self.mrs
for i in range(len(self.brec)):
self.bg.ep["brec%d"%i] = self.brec[i]
self.bg.ep["bdrec%d"%i] = self.bdrec[i]
bg = self.bg.copy()
eweight = bg.ep["eweight"]
brec = [bg.ep["brec%d"%i] for i in range(len(self.brec))]
bdrec = [bg.ep["bdrec%d"%i] for i in range(len(self.bdrec))]
bg = self.bg
eweight = self.mrs
brec = self.brec
bdrec = self.bdrec
# if self.g.get_vertex_filter() is not None:
# bg = GraphView(bg, vfilt=numpy.ones(bg.num_vertices()))
copy_coupled = False
recs = False
if vweight == "nonempty":
vweight = bg.new_vp("int", self.wr.a > 0)
elif vweight == "unity":
vweight = bg.new_vp("int", 1)
elif vweight == True:
if copy_bg:
vweight = bg.own_property(self.wr.copy())
vweight = self.wr
recs = True
copy_coupled = True
kwargs["Lrecdx"] = kwargs.get("Lrecdx", self.Lrecdx.copy())
vweight = None
if recs:
rec_types = kwargs.pop("rec_types", self.rec_types)
recs = kwargs.pop("recs", brec)
drec = kwargs.pop("drec", bdrec)
rec_params = kwargs.pop("rec_params", self.rec_params)
recs = []
drec = None
rec_types = []
rec_params = []
for rt, rp, r in zip(self.rec_types, self.wparams, brec):
if rt == libinference.rec_type.count:
recs.append(bg.new_ep("double", eweight.fa > 0))
elif np.isnan(rp.a).sum() == 0:
elif rt in [libinference.rec_type.discrete_geometric,
elif rt == libinference.rec_type.real_exponential:
elif rt == libinference.rec_type.real_normal:
rec_params = kwargs.pop("rec_params", rec_params)
if b is None:
b = self.get_bclabel()
state = BlockState(bg,
clabel=kwargs.pop("clabel", self.bclabel),
pclabel=kwargs.pop("pclabel", self.get_bpclabel()),
if copy_coupled and self._coupled_state is not None:
return state
def get_E(self):
r"Returns the total number of edges."
return int(self.eweight.fa.sum()) if self.is_weighted else self.g.num_edges()
def get_N(self):
r"Returns the total number of nodes."
return int(self.vweight.fa.sum()) if self.is_weighted else self.g.num_vertices()
def get_B(self):
r"Returns the total number of blocks."
return self.bg.num_vertices()
def get_nonempty_B(self):
r"Returns the total number of nonempty blocks."
return int((self.wr.a > 0).sum())
def get_Be(self):
r"""Returns the effective number of blocks, defined as :math:`e^{H}`, with
:math:`H=-\sum_r\frac{n_r}{N}\ln \frac{n_r}{N}`, where :math:`n_r` is
the number of nodes in group r.
w = np.array(self.wr.a, dtype="double")
w = w[w>0]
w /= w.sum()
return np.exp(-(w*np.log(w)).sum())
def get_bclabel(self, clabel=None):
r"""Returns a :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` corresponding to constraint
labels for the block graph."""
bclabel = self.bg.new_vertex_property("int")
idx = self.vweight.fa > 0
reverse_map(self.b.fa[idx], bclabel)
if clabel is None:
clabel = self.clabel
pmap(bclabel, clabel.fa[idx])
return bclabel
def _set_bclabel(self, bstate):
self.bclabel.a = bstate.b.a
self.clabel.a = self.b.a
pmap(self.clabel, self.bclabel)
def get_bpclabel(self):
r"""Returns a :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` corresponding to partition
constraint labels for the block graph."""
return self.get_bclabel(self.pclabel)
def _check_clabel(self, clabel=None, b=None):
if b is None:
b = self.b
if clabel is None:
clabel = self.clabel
joint = group_vector_property([b, clabel])
joint = perfect_prop_hash([joint])[0]
joint = b.fa.copy()
b = b.fa.copy()
joint = contiguous_map(joint)
b = contiguous_map(b)
if not (b == joint).all():
return False
return True
def _couple_state(self, state, entropy_args):
if state is None:
self._coupled_state = None
if _bm_test():
assert state.g is self.bg
self._coupled_state = (state, entropy_args)
eargs = self._get_entropy_args(entropy_args)
self._state.couple_state(state._state, eargs)
def get_blocks(self):
r"""Returns the property map which contains the block labels for each vertex."""
return self.b
def get_state(self):
"""Alias to :meth:`~graph_tool.inference.BlockState.get_blocks`."""
return self.get_blocks()
def set_state(self, b):
r"""Sets the internal partition of the state."""
if not isinstance(b, VertexPropertyMap):
b = self.g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=b)
if b.value_type() != "int32_t":
b = b.copy("int32_t")
self._state.set_partition(_prop("v", self.g, b))
def get_bg(self):
r"""Returns the block graph."""
return self.bg
def get_ers(self):
r"""Returns the edge property map of the block graph which contains the
:math:`e_{rs}` matrix entries. For undirected graphs, the diagonal
values (self-loops) contain :math:`e_{rr}/2`."""
return self.mrs
def get_er(self):
r"""Returns the vertex property map of the block graph which contains the number
:math:`e_r` of half-edges incident on block :math:`r`. If the graph is
directed, a pair of property maps is returned, with the number of
out-edges :math:`e^+_r` and in-edges :math:`e^-_r`, respectively."""
if self.bg.is_directed():
return self.mrp, self.mrm
return self.mrp
def get_nr(self):
r"""Returns the vertex property map of the block graph which contains the block
sizes :math:`n_r`."""
return self.wr
def _entropy(self, adjacency=True, dl=True, partition_dl=True,
degree_dl=True, degree_dl_kind="distributed", edges_dl=True,
dense=False, multigraph=True, deg_entropy=True, recs=True,
recs_dl=True, beta_dl=1., Bfield=True, exact=True, **kwargs):
r"""Calculate the description length (a.k.a. negative joint
log-likelihood) associated with the current block partition.
adjacency : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the adjacency term of the description length will be
dl : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the description length for the parameters will be
partition_dl : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, and ``dl == True`` the partition description length
will be included.
degree_dl : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, and ``dl == True`` the degree sequence description
length will be included (for degree-corrected models).
degree_dl_kind : ``str`` (optional, default: ``"distributed"``)
This specifies the prior used for the degree sequence. It must be
one of: ``"uniform"``, ``"distributed"`` (default) or ``"entropy"``.
edges_dl : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, and ``dl == True`` the edge matrix description length
will be included.
dense : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``)
If ``True``, the "dense" variant of the entropy will be computed.
multigraph : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the multigraph entropy will be used.
deg_entropy : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the degree entropy term that is independent of the
network partition will be included (for degree-corrected models).
recs : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the likelihood for real or discrete-valued edge
covariates is computed.
recs_dl : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, and ``dl == True`` the edge covariate description
length will be included.
beta_dl : ``double`` (optional, default: ``1.``)
Prior inverse temperature.
Bfield : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``)
If True, the ``Bfield`` parameter passed to the construtor will be
taken into account.
exact : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, the exact expressions will be used. Otherwise,
Stirling's factorial approximation will be used for some terms.
The "entropy" of the state is the negative log-likelihood of the
microcanonical SBM, that includes the generated graph
:math:`\boldsymbol{A}` and the model parameters
.. math::
\Sigma &= - \ln P(\boldsymbol{A},\boldsymbol{\theta}) \\
&= - \ln P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{\theta}) - \ln P(\boldsymbol{\theta}).
This value is also called the `description length
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_description_length>`_ of the data,
and it corresponds to the amount of information required to describe it
(in `nats <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_(unit)>`_).
For the traditional blockmodel (``deg_corr == False``), the model
parameters are :math:`\boldsymbol{\theta} = \{\boldsymbol{e},
\boldsymbol{b}\}`, where :math:`\boldsymbol{e}` is the matrix of edge
counts between blocks, and :math:`\boldsymbol{b}` is the partition of the
nodes into blocks. For the degree-corrected blockmodel (``deg_corr ==
True``), we have an additional set of parameters, namely the degree
sequence :math:`\boldsymbol{k}`.
For the traditional blockmodel, the model likelihood is
.. math::
P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b}) &= \frac{\prod_{r<s}e_{rs}!\prod_re_{rr}!!}{\prod_rn_r^{e_r}}\times \frac{1}{\prod_{i<j}A_{ij}!\prod_iA_{ii}!!},\\
P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b}) &= \frac{\prod_{rs}e_{rs}!}{\prod_rn_r^{e_r}}\times \frac{1}{\prod_{ij}A_{ij}!},
for undirected and directed graphs, respectively, where :math:`e_{rs}`
is the number of edges from block :math:`r` to :math:`s` (or the number
of half-edges for the undirected case when :math:`r=s`), and :math:`n_r`
is the number of vertices in block :math:`r` .
For the degree-corrected variant the equivalent expressions are
.. math::
P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b},\boldsymbol{k}) &= \frac{\prod_{r<s}e_{rs}!\prod_re_{rr}!!}{\prod_re_r!}\times \frac{\prod_ik_i!}{\prod_{i<j}A_{ij}!\prod_iA_{ii}!!},\\
P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b},\boldsymbol{k}) &= \frac{\prod_{rs}e_{rs}!}{\prod_re_r^+!\prod_re_r^-!}\times \frac{\prod_ik_i^+!\prod_ik_i^-!}{\prod_{ij}A_{ij}!},
where :math:`e_r = \sum_se_{rs}` is the number of half-edges incident on
block :math:`r`, and :math:`e^+_r = \sum_se_{rs}` and :math:`e^-_r =
\sum_se_{sr}` are the numbers of out- and in-edges adjacent to block
:math:`r`, respectively.
If ``exact == False``, `Stirling's approximation
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling%27s_approximation>`_ is used in
the above expression.
If ``dense == True``, the likelihood for the non-degree-corrected model
becomes instead
.. math::
P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b})^{-1} &= \prod_{r<s}{n_rn_s\choose e_{rs}}\prod_r{{n_r\choose 2}\choose e_{rr}/2},\\
P(\boldsymbol{A}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b})^{-1} &= \prod_{rs}{n_rn_s\choose e_{rs}}
if ``multigraph == False``, otherwise we replace :math:`{n\choose
m}\to\left(\!\!{n\choose m}\!\!\right)` above, where
:math:`\left(\!\!{n\choose m}\!\!\right) = {n+m-1\choose m}`. A "dense"
entropy for the degree-corrected model is not available, and if
requested will raise a :exc:`NotImplementedError`.
If ``dl == True``, the description length :math:`\mathcal{L} = -\ln
P(\boldsymbol{\theta})` of the model will be returned as well. The terms
:math:`P(\boldsymbol{e})` and :math:`P(\boldsymbol{b})` are described in
described as follows.
For an undirected graph, the number of distinct :math:`e_{rs}` matrices is
given by,
.. math::
\Omega_m = \left(\!\!{B(B+1)/2 \choose E}\!\!\right)
and for a directed graph,
.. math::
\Omega_m = \left(\!\!{B^2 \choose E}\!\!\right)
where :math:`\left(\!{n \choose k}\!\right) = {n+k-1\choose k}` is the
number of :math:`k` combinations with repetitions from a set of size
:math:`n`. Hence, we have the description length of the edge counts
.. math::
-\ln P(\boldsymbol{e}) = \ln \Omega_m.
For the node partition :math:`\boldsymbol{b}` we assume a two-level Bayesian
hierarchy, where first the group size histogram is generated, and
conditioned on it the partition, which leads to a description length:
.. math::
-\ln P(\boldsymbol{b}) = \ln {N - 1 \choose B - 1} + \ln N! - \sum_r \ln n_r!.
where :math:`n_r` is the number of nodes in block :math:`r`.
The total information necessary to describe the model is then,
.. math::
-\ln P(\boldsymbol{e}, \boldsymbol{b}) = -\ln P(\boldsymbol{e}) - \ln P(\boldsymbol{b}).
If ``nr`` is ``None``, it is assumed :math:`n_r=N/B`. If ``nr`` is
``False``, the partition term :math:`-\ln P(\boldsymbol{b})` is omitted
For the degree-corrected model we need to specify the prior
:math:`P(\boldsymbol{k})` for the degree sequence as well. Here there
are three options:
1. ``degree_dl_kind == "uniform"``
.. math::
P(\boldsymbol{k}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b}) = \prod_r\left(\!\!{n_r\choose e_r}\!\!\right)^{-1}.
This corresponds to a noninformative prior, where the degrees are
sampled from a uniform distribution.
2. ``degree_dl_kind == "distributed"`` (default)
.. math::
P(\boldsymbol{k}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b}) = \prod_r\frac{\prod_k\eta_k^r!}{n_r!} \prod_r q(e_r, n_r)^{-1}
with :math:`\eta_k^r` being the number of nodes with degree
:math:`k` in group :math:`r`, and :math:`q(m,n)` being the number of
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_(number_theory)>`_ of
integer :math:`m` into at most :math:`n` parts. This is given by the
.. math::
q(m, n) = q(m, n-1) + q(m-n, n),
with boundary conditions :math:`q(m,n) = q(m,m)` for :math:`n>m`,
:math:`q(m,0) = 0` for :math:`m>0`, and :math:`q(0,0) = 1`.
This corresponds to a prior for the degree sequence conditioned on
the degree counts, which are themselves sampled from a uniform
hyperprior. This option should be preferred in most cases.
3. ``degree_dl_kind == "entropy"``
.. math::
P(\boldsymbol{k}|\boldsymbol{e},\boldsymbol{b}) \approx \prod_r\exp\left(-n_rH(\boldsymbol{k}_r)\right)
where :math:`H(\boldsymbol{k}_r) = -\sum_kp_r(k)\ln p_r(k)` is the
entropy of the degree distribution inside block :math:`r`.
Note that, differently from the other two choices, this represents
only an approximation of the description length. It is meant to be
used only for comparison purposes, and should be avoided in practice.
For the directed case, the above expressions are duplicated for the in-
and out-degrees.
.. [peixoto-nonparametric-2017] Tiago P. Peixoto, "Nonparametric
Bayesian inference of the microcanonical stochastic block model",
Phys. Rev. E 95 012317 (2017), :doi:`10.1103/PhysRevE.95.012317`,
.. [peixoto-hierarchical-2014] Tiago P. Peixoto, "Hierarchical block
structures and high-resolution model selection in large networks ",
Phys. Rev. X 4, 011047 (2014), :doi:`10.1103/PhysRevX.4.011047`,
.. [peixoto-weighted-2017] Tiago P. Peixoto, "Nonparametric weighted
stochastic block models", Phys. Rev. E 97, 012306 (2018),
:doi:`10.1103/PhysRevE.97.012306`, :arxiv:`1708.01432`
eargs = self._get_entropy_args(locals())
S = self._state.entropy(eargs, kwargs.pop("propagate", False))
kwargs.pop("test", None)
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise ValueError("unrecognized keyword arguments: " +
return S
def _gen_eargs(self, args):
return libinference.entropy_args()
def _get_entropy_args(self, kwargs, consume=False):
if not consume:
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
deg_dl_kind = kwargs.get("degree_dl_kind",
if deg_dl_kind == "entropy":
kind = libinference.deg_dl_kind.ent
elif deg_dl_kind == "uniform":
kind = libinference.deg_dl_kind.uniform
elif deg_dl_kind == "distributed":
kind = libinference.deg_dl_kind.dist
kwargs["degree_dl_kind"] = kind
dl = kwargs.get("dl", self._entropy_args["dl"])
ea = super()._get_entropy_args(kwargs, consume)
if not dl:
ea.partition_dl = False
ea.degree_dl = False
ea.edges_dl = False
ea.recs_dl = False
return ea
def get_matrix(self):
r"""Returns the block matrix (as a sparse :class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`),
which contains the number of edges between each block pair.
.. warning::
This corresponds to the adjacency matrix of the block graph, which by
convention includes twice the amount of edges in the diagonal entries
if the graph is undirected.
.. testsetup:: get_matrix
from pylab import *
.. doctest:: get_matrix
>>> g = gt.collection.data["polbooks"]
>>> state = gt.BlockState(g, B=5, deg_corr=True)
>>> state.mcmc_sweep(niter=1000)
>>> m = state.get_matrix()
>>> figure()
>>> matshow(m.todense())
>>> savefig("bloc_mat.svg")
.. figure:: bloc_mat.*
:align: center
A 5x5 block matrix.
return adjacency(self.bg, weight=self.mrs)
def virtual_vertex_move(self, v, s, **kwargs):
r"""Computes the entropy difference if vertex ``v`` is moved to block ``s``. The
remaining parameters are the same as in
return self._state.virtual_move(int(v), self.b[v], s,
def move_vertex(self, v, s):
r"""Move vertex ``v`` to block ``s``.
This optionally accepts a list of vertices and blocks to move
if not isinstance(v, collections.abc.Iterable):
self._state.move_vertex(int(v), s)
self._state.move_vertices(np.asarray(v, dtype="uint64"),
np.asarray(s, dtype="uint64"))
def remove_vertex(self, v):
r"""Remove vertex ``v`` from its current group.
This optionally accepts a list of vertices to remove.
.. warning::
This will leave the state in an inconsistent state before the vertex
is returned to some other group, or if the same vertex is removed
if isinstance(v, collections.abc.Iterable):
if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
v = list(v)
self._state.remove_vertices(np.asarray(v, dtype="uint64"))
def add_vertex(self, v, r):
r"""Add vertex ``v`` to block ``r``.
This optionally accepts a list of vertices and blocks to add.
.. warning::
This can leave the state in an inconsistent state if a vertex is
added twice to the same group.
if isinstance(v, collections.abc.Iterable):
if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
v = list(v)
if not isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
r = list(r)
self._state.add_vertices(np.asarray(v, dtype="uint64"),
np.asarray(r, dtype="uint64"))
self._state.add_vertex(int(v), r)
def sample_vertex_move(self, v, c=1., d=.1):
r"""Sample block membership proposal of vertex ``v`` according to real-valued
sampling parameters ``c`` and ``d``: For :math:`c\to 0` the blocks are sampled
according to the local neighborhood and their connections; for
:math:`c\to\infty` the blocks are sampled randomly. With a probability
``d``, a new (empty) group is sampled.
return self._state.sample_block(int(v), c, d, _get_rng())
def get_move_prob(self, v, s, c=1., d=.1, reverse=False):
r"""Compute the log-probability of a move proposal for vertex ``v`` to block ``s``
according to sampling parameters ``c`` and ``d``, as obtained with
:meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.sample_vertex_move`. If ``reverse
== True``, the reverse probability of moving the node back from block
``s`` to its current one is obtained.
if not reverse:
return self._state.get_move_prob(int(v), self.b[v], s, c, d, False)
return self._state.get_move_prob(int(v), s, self.b[v], c, d, True)
def get_edges_prob(self, missing, spurious=[], entropy_args={}):
r"""Compute the joint log-probability of the missing and spurious edges given by
``missing`` and ``spurious`` (a list of ``(source, target)``
tuples, or :meth:`~graph_tool.Edge` instances), together with the
observed edges.
More precisely, the log-likelihood returned is
.. math::
\ln \frac{P(\boldsymbol G + \delta \boldsymbol G | \boldsymbol b)}{P(\boldsymbol G| \boldsymbol b)}
where :math:`\boldsymbol G + \delta \boldsymbol G` is the modified graph
(with missing edges added and spurious edges deleted).
The values in ``entropy_args`` are passed to
:meth:`~graph_tool.inference.BlockState.entropy()` to
calculate the log-probability.
Si = self.entropy(**dict(dict(partition_dl=False),
pos = {}
for u, v in itertools.chain(missing, spurious):
pos[u] = self.b[u]
pos[v] = self.b[v]
new_es = []
for u, v in missing:
if not self.is_weighted:
e = self.g.add_edge(u, v)
e = self.g.edge(u, v)
if e is None:
e = self.g.add_edge(u, v)
self.eweight[e] = 0
self.eweight[e] += 1
old_es = []
for e in spurious:
u, v = e
if isinstance(e, tuple):
e = self.g.edge(u, v)
if e is None:
raise ValueError("edge not found: (%d, %d)" % (int(u),
if self.is_weighted:
self.eweight[e] -= 1
if self.eweight[e] == 0:
old_es.append((u, v))
self.add_vertex(pos.keys(), pos.values())
Sf = self.entropy(**dict(dict(partition_dl=False),
if self.is_weighted:
for e in reversed(new_es):
self.eweight[e] -= 1
if self.eweight[e] == 0:
for e in reversed(new_es):
for u, v in old_es:
if self.is_weighted:
e = self.g.edge(u, v)
if e is None:
e = self.g.add_edge(u, v)
self.eweight[e] = 0
self.eweight[e] += 1
self.g.add_edge(u, v)
self.add_vertex(pos.keys(), pos.values())
L = Si - Sf
if _bm_test():
state = self.copy()
L_alt = state.get_edges_prob(edge_list, missing=missing,
assert math.isclose(L, L_alt, abs_tol=1e-8), \
"inconsistent missing=%s edge probability (%g, %g): %s, %s" % \
(str(missing), L, L_alt, str(entropy_args), str(edge_list))
return L
def _clear_egroups(self):
def _mcmc_sweep_dispatch(self, mcmc_state):
return libinference.mcmc_sweep(mcmc_state, self._state,
def _mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, mcmc_states):
return libinference.mcmc_sweep_parallel(mcmc_states,
[s._state for s in states],
def _multiflip_mcmc_sweep_dispatch(self, mcmc_state):
return libinference.multiflip_mcmc_sweep(mcmc_state, self._state,
def _multiflip_mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, mcmc_states):
return libinference.multiflip_mcmc_sweep_parallel(mcmc_states,
[s._state for s in states],
def _get_bclabel(self):
return self.bclabel
def _multilevel_mcmc_sweep_dispatch(self, mcmc_state):
return libinference.multilevel_mcmc_sweep(mcmc_state, self._state,
def _multilevel_mcmc_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, mcmc_states):
return libinference.multilevel_mcmc_sweep_parallel(mcmc_states,
[s._state for s in states],
def _gibbs_sweep_dispatch(self, gibbs_state):
return libinference.gibbs_sweep(gibbs_state, self._state,
def _gibbs_sweep_parallel_dispatch(states, gibbs_states):
return libinference.gibbs_sweep_parallel(gibbs_states,
[s._state for s in states],
def _multicanonical_sweep_dispatch(self, multicanonical_state):
if multicanonical_state.multiflip:
return libinference.multicanonical_multiflip_sweep(multicanonical_state,
return libinference.multicanonical_sweep(multicanonical_state,
self._state, _get_rng())
def _exhaustive_sweep_dispatch(self, exhaustive_state, callback, hist):
if callback is not None:
return libinference.exhaustive_sweep(exhaustive_state, self._state,
if hist is None:
return libinference.exhaustive_sweep_iter(exhaustive_state,
return libinference.exhaustive_dens(exhaustive_state,
self._state, hist[0],
hist[1], hist[2])
def collect_edge_marginals(self, p=None, update=1):
r"""Collect the edge marginal histogram, which counts the number of times
the endpoints of each node have been assigned to a given block pair.
This should be called multiple times, e.g. after repeated runs of the
:meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.mcmc_sweep` function.
p : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Edge property map with edge marginals to be updated. If not
provided, an empty histogram will be created.
update : float (optional, default: ``1``)
Each call increases the current count by the amount given by this
p : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap`
Edge property map with updated edge marginals.
.. doctest:: collect_edge_marginals
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> gt.seed_rng(42)
>>> g = gt.collection.data["polbooks"]
>>> state = gt.BlockState(g, B=4, deg_corr=True)
>>> pe = None
>>> state.mcmc_sweep(niter=1000) # remove part of the transient
>>> for i in range(1000):
... ret = state.mcmc_sweep(niter=10)
... pe = state.collect_edge_marginals(pe)
>>> gt.bethe_entropy(g, pe)[0]
if p is None:
p = self.g.new_ep("python::object",
for i in range(self.g.num_edges())])
_prop("v", self.g, self.b),
_prop("e", self.g, p),
return p
def collect_vertex_marginals(self, p=None, b=None, unlabel=False, update=1):
r"""Collect the vertex marginal histogram, which counts the number of times a
node was assigned to a given block.
This should be called multiple times, e.g. after repeated runs of the
:meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.mcmc_sweep` function.
p : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Vertex property map with vector-type values, storing the previous block
membership counts. If not provided, an empty histogram will be created.
b : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Vertex property map with group partition. If not provided, the
state's partition will be used.
unlabel : bool (optional, default: ``False``)
If ``True``, a canonical labelling of the groups will be used, so
that each partition is uniquely represented.
update : int (optional, default: ``1``)
Each call increases the current count by the amount given by this
p : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap`
Vertex property map with vector-type values, storing the accumulated
block membership counts.
.. doctest:: cvm
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> gt.seed_rng(42)
>>> g = gt.collection.data["polbooks"]
>>> state = gt.BlockState(g, B=4, deg_corr=True)
>>> pv = None
>>> state.mcmc_sweep(niter=1000) # remove part of the transient
>>> for i in range(1000):
... ret = state.mcmc_sweep(niter=10)
... pv = state.collect_vertex_marginals(pv)
>>> gt.mf_entropy(g, pv)
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=g.vp["pos"], vertex_shape="pie",
... vertex_pie_fractions=pv, output="polbooks_blocks_soft_B4.svg")
.. figure:: polbooks_blocks_soft_B4.*
:align: center
"Soft" block partition of a political books network with :math:`B=4`.
if p is None:
p = self.g.new_vp("vector<int>")
if b is None:
b = self.b
if unlabel:
b = perfect_prop_hash([b])[0]
_prop("v", self.g, b),
_prop("v", self.g, p),
return p
def collect_partition_histogram(self, h=None, update=1, unlabel=True):
r"""Collect a histogram of partitions.
This should be called multiple times, e.g. after repeated runs of the
:meth:`graph_tool.inference.BlockState.mcmc_sweep` function.
h : :class:`~graph_tool.inference.PartitionHist` (optional, default: ``None``)
Partition histogram. If not provided, an empty histogram will be created.
update : float (optional, default: ``1``)
Each call increases the current count by the amount given by this
unlabel : bool (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, a canonical labelling of the groups will be used, so
that each partition is uniquely represented.
h : :class:`~graph_tool.inference.PartitionHist` (optional, default: ``None``)
Updated Partition histogram.
.. doctest:: cvm
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> gt.seed_rng(42)
>>> g = gt.collection.data["polbooks"]
>>> state = gt.BlockState(g, B=4, deg_corr=True)
>>> ph = None
>>> state.mcmc_sweep(niter=1000) # remove part of the transient
>>> for i in range(1000):
... ret = state.mcmc_sweep(niter=10)
... ph = state.collect_partition_histogram(ph)
>>> gt.microstate_entropy(ph)
if h is None:
h = PartitionHist()
libinference.collect_partitions(_prop("v", self.g, self.b),
h, update, unlabel)
return h
def sample_graph(self, canonical=False, multigraph=True, self_loops=True,
sample_params=False, max_ent=False, n_iter=1000):
r"""Sample a new graph from the fitted model.
canonical : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``)
If ``canonical == True``, the graph will be sampled from the
maximum-likelihood estimate of the canonical stochastic block
model. Otherwise, it will be sampled from the microcanonical model.
multigraph : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, parallel edges will be allowed.
self-loops : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, self-loops will be allowed.
sample_params : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, and ``canonical == True`` and ``max_ent == False``,
the count parameters (edges between groups and node degrees) will be
sampled from their posterior distribution conditioned on the actual
state. Otherwise, their maximum-likelihood values will be used.
max_ent : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``)
If ``True``, maximum-entropy model variants will be used.
n_iter : ``int`` (optional, default: ``1000``)
Number of iterations used (only relevant if ``canonical == False``
and ``max_ent == True``).
g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph`
Generated graph.
This function is just a convenience wrapper to
:func:`~graph_tool.generation.generate_sbm`. However, if
``max_ent==True`` and ``canonical == False`` it wraps
:func:`~graph_tool.generation.random_rewire` instead.
.. doctest:: gen_sbm
>>> g = gt.collection.data["polbooks"]
>>> state = gt.minimize_blockmodel_dl(g, multilevel_mcmc_args=dict(B_max=3))
>>> u = state.sample_graph(canonical=True, self_loops=False, multigraph=False)
>>> ustate = gt.BlockState(u, b=state.b)
>>> state.draw(pos=g.vp.pos, output="polbooks-sbm.svg")
>>> ustate.draw(pos=u.own_property(g.vp.pos), output="polbooks-sbm-sampled.svg")
.. image:: polbooks-sbm.svg
:width: 40%
.. image:: polbooks-sbm-sampled.svg
:width: 40%
*Left:* Political books network. *Right:* Sample from the degree-corrected
SBM fitted to the original network.
in_degs = out_degs = None
if isinstance(self.eweight, libinference.unity_eprop_t):
eweight = None
eweight = self.eweight
if self.deg_corr:
out_degs = self.g.degree_property_map("out", weight=eweight).fa
if self.g.is_directed():
in_degs = self.g.degree_property_map("in", weight=eweight).fa
in_degs = None
probs = adjacency(self.bg, weight=self.mrs).T
if not max_ent:
if canonical and sample_params:
rs = self.wr.a > 0
B = rs.sum()
if self.g.is_directed():
p = self.g.num_edges() / B ** 2
if not self.g.is_directed():
p = 2 * self.g.num_edges() / ((B + 1) * B)
idx = probs.nonzero()
probs[idx] = np.random.gamma(probs[idx] + 1, p/(p + 1))
for r in rs:
idx = self.b.fa == r
out_degs[idx] = np.random.dirichlet(out_degs[idx] + 1)
if in_degs is not None:
in_degs[idx] = np.random.dirichlet(in_degs[idx] + 1)
g = generate_sbm(b=self.b.fa, probs=probs,
in_degs=in_degs, out_degs=out_degs,
micro_ers=not canonical,
micro_degs=not canonical and self.deg_corr)
if not multigraph:
if not self_loops:
if canonical:
ret = solve_sbm_fugacities(self.b.fa, probs, out_degs, in_degs,
if in_degs is None:
mrs, theta_out = ret
theta_in = None
mrs, theta_out, theta_in = ret
g = generate_maxent_sbm(self.b.fa, mrs, theta_out, theta_in,
g = self.g.copy()
if self.deg_corr:
random_rewire(g, model="constrained-configuration",
configuration=False, parallel_edges=multigraph,
self_loops=self_loops, n_iter=n_iter)
random_rewire(g, model="blockmodel-micro",
configuration=False, parallel_edges=multigraph,
self_loops=self_loops, n_iter=n_iter)
return g
def bethe_entropy(g, p):
r"""Compute the Bethe entropy given the edge block membership marginals.
g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph`
The graph.
p : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap`
Edge property map with edge marginals.
H : ``float``
The Bethe entropy value (in `nats <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_%28information%29>`__)
Hmf : ``float``
The "mean field" entropy value (in `nats <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_%28information%29>`__),
as would be returned by the :func:`mf_entropy` function.
pv : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``)
Vertex property map with vector-type values, storing the accumulated
block membership counts. These are the node marginals, as would be
returned by the
The Bethe entropy is defined as,
.. math::
H = -\sum_{ij}A_{ij}\sum_{rs}\pi_{ij}(r,s)\ln\pi_{ij}(r,s) - \sum_i(1-k_i)\sum_r\pi_i(r)\ln\pi_i(r),
where :math:`\pi_{ij}(r,s)` is the marginal probability that vertices
:math:`i` and :math:`j` belong to blocks :math:`r` and :math:`s`,
respectively, and :math:`\pi_i(r)` is the marginal probability that vertex
:math:`i` belongs to block :math:`r`, and :math:`k_i` is the degree of
vertex :math:`i` (or total degree for directed graphs).
.. [mezard-information-2009] Marc Mézard, Andrea Montanari, "Information,
Physics, and Computation", Oxford Univ Press, 2009.
H = 0
pv = g.new_vertex_property("vector<double>")
H, Hmf = libinference.bethe_entropy(g._Graph__graph,
_prop("e", g, p),
_prop("v", g, pv))
return H, Hmf, pv
def mf_entropy(g, p):
r"""Compute the "mean field" entropy given the vertex block membership marginals.
g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph`
The graph.
p : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap`
Vertex property map with vector-type values, storing the accumulated block
membership counts.
Hmf : ``float``
The "mean field" entropy value (in `nats <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_%28information%29>`__).
The "mean field" entropy is defined as,
.. math::
H = - \sum_{i,r}\pi_i(r)\ln\pi_i(r),
where :math:`\pi_i(r)` is the marginal probability that vertex :math:`i`
belongs to block :math:`r`.
.. [mezard-information-2009] Marc Mézard, Andrea Montanari, "Information,
Physics, and Computation", Oxford Univ Press, 2009.
return libinference.mf_entropy(g._Graph__graph,
_prop("v", g, p))
def microstate_entropy(h, unlabel=True):
r"""Compute microstate entropy given a histogram of partitions.
h : :class:`~graph_tool.inference.PartitionHist` (optional, default: ``None``)
Partition histogram.
unlabel : bool (optional, default: ``True``)
If ``True``, a canonical labelling of the groups will be used, so that
each partition is uniquely represented. However, the entropy computed
will still correspond to the full distribution over labelled partitions,
where all permutations are assumed to be equally likely.
H : ``float``
The microstate entropy value (in `nats <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_%28information%29>`__).
The microstate entropy is defined as,
.. math::
H = - \sum_{\boldsymbol b}p({\boldsymbol b})\ln p({\boldsymbol b}),
where :math:`p({\boldsymbol b})` is observed frequency of labelled partition
:math:`{\boldsymbol b}`.
.. [mezard-information-2009] Marc Mézard, Andrea Montanari, "Information,
Physics, and Computation", Oxford Univ Press, 2009.
return libinference.partitions_entropy(h, unlabel)
from . overlap_blockmodel import *