Source code for graph_tool.dynamics

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# graph_tool -- a general graph manipulation python module
# Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.


This module contains implementations of some often-studied dynamical processes
that take place on networks.

Discrete-time dynamics

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary
   :template: class.rst


Continuous-time dynamics

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary
   :template: class.rst


Belief propagation

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary
   :template: class.rst




from .. import _degree, _prop, Graph, GraphView, _get_rng, PropertyMap, \
    EdgePropertyMap, VertexPropertyMap, _check_prop_scalar
from .. generation import label_self_loops
import numpy
import numpy.random

import scipy.integrate

from .. dl_import import dl_import
dl_import("from . import libgraph_tool_dynamics as lib_dynamics")

from . bp import *

__all__ = ["DiscreteStateBase", "EpidemicStateBase", "SIState", "SISState",
           "SIRState", "SIRSState", "VoterState", "MajorityVoterState",
           "BinaryThresholdState", "IsingGlauberState", "CIsingGlauberState",
           "IsingMetropolisState", "PottsGlauberState", "PottsMetropolisState",
           "AxelrodState", "BooleanState", "KirmanState", "NormalState",
           "LinearNormalState", "LinearState", "LVState",
           "GeneralizedBinaryState", "ContinuousStateBase", "KuramotoState",
           "BPBaseState", "GenPottsBPState", "IsingBPState", "NormalBPState"]

[docs] class DiscreteStateBase(object): def __init__(self, g, make_state, params, s=None, stype="int32_t"): r"""Base state for discrete-time dynamics. This class it not meant to be instantiated directly.""" self.g = g if s is None: self.s = g.new_vp(stype) else: self.s = s.copy(stype) self.s_temp = self.s.copy() self.params = params self._state = make_state(g._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, self.s), _prop("v", g, self.s_temp), params, _get_rng()) self.reset_active()
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the state.""" return type(self)(**self.__getstate__())
def __getstate__(self): return dict(g=self.g, s=self.s, params=self.params) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(**state)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns the internal :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` with the current state.""" return self.s
[docs] def get_active(self): """Returns list of "active" nodes, for states where this concept is used.""" return self._state.get_active()
[docs] def set_active(self, active): """Sets the list of "active" nodes, for states where this concept is used.""" self._state.set_active(numpy.asarray(active, dtype="int64"), _get_rng())
[docs] def reset_active(self): """Resets list of "active" nodes, for states where this concept is used.""" self._state.reset_active(_get_rng())
[docs] def iterate_sync(self, niter=1): """Updates nodes synchronously (i.e. a full "sweep" of all nodes in parallel), `niter` number of times. This function returns the number of nodes that changed state. If enabled during compilation, this algorithm runs in parallel (i.e. using more than one thread.) """ return self._state.iterate_sync(niter, _get_rng())
[docs] def iterate_async(self, niter=1): """Updates nodes asynchronously (i.e. single vertex chosen randomly), `niter` number of times. This function returns the number of nodes that changed state. """ return self._state.iterate_async(niter, _get_rng())
[docs] class EpidemicStateBase(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, constant_beta, make_state, params, v0=None, s=None): r"""Base state for epidemic dynamics. This class it not meant to be instantiated directly.""" if s is not None: self.s = s else: self.s = g.new_vp("int32_t") if v0 is None: v0 = numpy.random.randint(0, g.num_vertices()) v0 = g.vertex(v0, use_index=False) self.s[v0] = 1 beta = params["beta"] weighted = isinstance(beta, EdgePropertyMap) if weighted: _check_prop_scalar(beta, "beta") if beta.value_type() != "double": if not constant_beta: raise ValueError("if constant_beta == False, the type of beta must be double") beta = beta.copy("double") params["beta"] = beta for p in ["r", "epsilon", "gamma", "mu"]: if p not in params: continue if not isinstance(params[p], VertexPropertyMap): params[p] = g.new_vp("double", val=params[p]) _check_prop_scalar(params[p], p) if params[p].value_type() != "double": params[p] = params[p].copy("double") self.params = params self.make_state = lambda *args: make_state(*args, weighted, constant_beta)
[docs] class SIState(EpidemicStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1., r=0, exposed=False, epsilon=.1, v0=None, s=None, constant_beta=True): r"""SI compartmental epidemic model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``1.``) Transmission probability. If an :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` object is passed, it must contain the transmission probability for every edge. r : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``0.``) Spontaneous infection probability. exposed : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``False``) If ``True``, an SEI model is simulated, with an additional "exposed" state. epsilon : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) Susceptible to exposed transition probability. This only has an effect if ``exposed=True``. v0 : ``int`` or :class:`~graph_tool.Vertex` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial infectious vertex. If not provided, and if the global state is also not provided via paramter ``s``, a random vertex will be chosen. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, all vertices will be initialized to the susceptible state. constant_beta : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``True``) If ``True``, and ``beta`` is an edge property map, it will be assumed that the ``beta`` values do not change, such that the probability values can be pre-computed for efficiency. If ``beta`` is a ``float``, this option has no effect. Notes ----- This implements an SI epidemic process [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015]_, where nodes in the susceptible state (value 0) are infected by neighbours in the infectious state (value 1). If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition probabilities from state :math:`s_i(t)` to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` are given as follows: 1. If :math:`s_i(t) = 0`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability .. math:: (1-r_i)\left[1-\prod_j(1-\beta_{ij})^{A_{ij}\delta_{s_j(t),1}}\right] + r_i, otherwise :math:`s_i(t+1) = 0`. 2. If :math:`s_i(t) = 1`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability 1. If the option ``exposed == True`` is given, then the states transit first from 0 to -1 (exposed) with probability given by 1. above, and then finally from -1 to 1 with probability :math:`\epsilon_i`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: SI gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: SI >>> g =["pgp-strong-2009"] >>> state = gt.SIState(g, beta=0.01) >>> X = [] >>> for t in range(1000): ... ret = state.iterate_sync() ... X.append(state.get_state().fa.sum()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> plot(X) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"Infectious nodes") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("SI.svg") .. figure:: SI.svg :align: center Number of infectious nodes vs. time for an SI dynamics. References ---------- .. [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015] Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Claudio Castellano, Piet Van Mieghem, and Alessandro Vespignani, "Epidemic processes in complex networks", Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 925 (2015) :doi:`10.1103/RevModPhys.87.925`, :arxiv:`1408.2701` """ EpidemicStateBase.__init__(self, g, constant_beta, lib_dynamics.make_SEI_state if exposed else lib_dynamics.make_SI_state, dict(beta=beta, r=r, epsilon=epsilon), v0, s) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, self.make_state, self.params, self.s)
[docs] class SISState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1., gamma=.1, r=0, exposed=False, epsilon=.1, v0=None, s=None, constant_beta=True): r"""SIS compartmental epidemic model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``1.``) Transmission probability. gamma : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) Recovery probability. r : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``0.``) Spontaneous infection probability. exposed : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``False``) If ``True``, an SEIS model is simulated, with an additional "exposed" state. epsilon : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) Susceptible to exposed transition probability. This only has an effect if ``exposed=True``. v0 : ``int`` or :class:`~graph_tool.Vertex` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial infectious vertex. If not provided, and if the global state is also not provided via paramter ``s``, a random vertex will be chosen. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, all vertices will be initialized to the susceptible state. constant_beta : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``True``) If ``True``, and ``beta`` is an edge property map, it will be assumed that the ``beta`` values do not change, such that the probability values can be pre-computed for efficiency. If ``beta`` is a ``float``, this option has no effect. Notes ----- This implements an SIS epidemic process [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015]_, where nodes in the susceptible state (value 0) are infected by neighbours in the infectious state (value 1), which can then eventually recover to a susceptible state. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition probabilities from state :math:`s_i(t)` to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` are given as follows: 1. If :math:`s_i(t) = 0`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability .. math:: (1-r_i)\left[1-\prod_j(1-\beta_{ij})^{A_{ij}\delta_{s_j(t),1}}\right] + r_i, otherwise :math:`s_i(t+1) = 0`. 2. If :math:`s_i(t) = 1`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 0` with probability :math:`\gamma_i`, or :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability :math:`1-\gamma_i`. If the option ``exposed == True`` is given, then the states transit first from 0 to -1 (exposed) with probability given by 1. above, and then finally from -1 to 1 with probability :math:`\epsilon_i`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: SIS gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: SIS >>> g =["pgp-strong-2009"] >>> state = gt.SISState(g, beta=0.01, gamma=0.007) >>> X = [] >>> for t in range(1000): ... ret = state.iterate_sync() ... X.append(state.get_state().fa.sum()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> plot(X) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"Infectious nodes") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("SIS.svg") .. figure:: SIS.svg :align: center Number of infectious nodes vs. time for an SIS dynamics. References ---------- .. [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015] Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Claudio Castellano, Piet Van Mieghem, and Alessandro Vespignani, "Epidemic processes in complex networks", Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 925 (2015) :doi:`10.1103/RevModPhys.87.925`, :arxiv:`1408.2701` """ EpidemicStateBase.__init__(self, g, constant_beta, lib_dynamics.make_SEIS_state if exposed else lib_dynamics.make_SIS_state, dict(beta=beta, gamma=gamma, r=r, epsilon=epsilon), v0, s) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, self.make_state, self.params, self.s)
[docs] class SIRState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1., gamma=.1, r=0, exposed=False, epsilon=.1, v0=None, s=None, constant_beta=True): r"""SIR compartmental epidemic model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``1.``) Transmission probability. gamma : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) Recovery probability. r : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``0.``) Spontaneous infection probability. exposed : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``False``) If ``True``, an SEIR model is simulated, with an additional "exposed" state. epsilon : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) Susceptible to exposed transition probability. This only has an effect if ``exposed=True``. v0 : ``int`` or :class:`~graph_tool.Vertex` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial infectious vertex. If not provided, and if the global state is also not provided via paramter ``s``, a random vertex will be chosen. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, all vertices will be initialized to the susceptible state. constant_beta : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``True``) If ``True``, and ``beta`` is an edge property map, it will be assumed that the ``beta`` values do not change, such that the probability values can be pre-computed for efficiency. If ``beta`` is a ``float``, this option has no effect. Notes ----- This implements an SIR epidemic process [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015]_, where nodes in the susceptible state (value 0) are infected by neighbours in the infectious state (value 1), which can then eventually recover to a recovered state (value 2). If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition probabilities from state :math:`s_i(t)` to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` are given as follows: 1. If :math:`s_i(t) = 0`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability .. math:: (1-r_i)\left[1-\prod_j(1-\beta_{ij})^{A_{ij}\delta_{s_j(t),1}}\right] + r_i, otherwise :math:`s_i(t+1) = 0`. 2. If :math:`s_i(t) = 1`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 2` with probability :math:`\gamma_i`, or :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability :math:`1-\gamma_i`. If the option ``exposed == True`` is given, then the states transit first from 0 to -1 (exposed) with probability given by 1. above, and then finally from -1 to 1 with probability :math:`\epsilon_i`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: SIR gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: SIR >>> g =["pgp-strong-2009"] >>> state = gt.SIRState(g, beta=0.01, gamma=0.0025) >>> S, X, R = [], [], [] >>> for t in range(2000): ... ret = state.iterate_sync() ... s = state.get_state().fa ... S.append((s == 0).sum()) ... X.append((s == 1).sum()) ... R.append((s == 2).sum()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> plot(S, label="Susceptible") [...] >>> plot(X, label="Infectious") [...] >>> plot(R, label="Recovered") [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"Number of nodes") Text(...) >>> legend(loc="best") <...> >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("SIR.svg") .. figure:: SIR.svg :align: center Number of susceptible, infectious, and recovered nodes vs. time for an SIR dynamics. References ---------- .. [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015] Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Claudio Castellano, Piet Van Mieghem, and Alessandro Vespignani, "Epidemic processes in complex networks", Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 925 (2015) :doi:`10.1103/RevModPhys.87.925`, :arxiv:`1408.2701` """ EpidemicStateBase.__init__(self, g, constant_beta, lib_dynamics.make_SEIR_state if exposed else lib_dynamics.make_SIR_state, dict(beta=beta, gamma=gamma, r=r, epsilon=epsilon), v0, s) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, self.make_state, self.params, self.s)
[docs] class SIRSState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1, gamma=.1, mu=.1, r=0, exposed=False, epsilon=.1, v0=None, s=None, constant_beta=True): r"""SIRS compartmental epidemic model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``1.``) Transmission probability. gamma : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) I to R recovery probability. mu : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) R to S recovery probability. r : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``0.``) Spontaneous infection probability. exposed : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``False``) If ``True``, an SEIRS model is simulated, with an additional "exposed" state. epsilon : ``float`` or :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``.1``) Susceptible to exposed transition probability. This only has an effect if ``exposed=True``. v0 : ``int`` or :class:`~graph_tool.Vertex` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial infectious vertex. If not provided, and if the global state is also not provided via paramter ``s``, a random vertex will be chosen. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, all vertices will be initialized to the susceptible state. constant_beta : ``boolean`` (optional, default: ``True``) If ``True``, and ``beta`` is an edge property map, it will be assumed that the ``beta`` values do not change, such that the probability values can be pre-computed for efficiency. If ``beta`` is a ``float``, this option has no effect. Notes ----- This implements an SIRS epidemic process [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015]_, where nodes in the susceptible state (value 0) are infected by neighbours in the infectious state (value 1), which can then eventually recover to a recovered state (value 2), and finally back to the susceptible state. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition probabilities from state :math:`s_i(t)` to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` are given as follows: 1. If :math:`s_i(t) = 0`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability .. math:: (1-r_i)\left[1-\prod_j(1-\beta_{ij})^{A_{ij}\delta_{s_j(t),1}}\right] + r_i, otherwise :math:`s_i(t+1) = 0`. 2. If :math:`s_i(t) = 1`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 2` with probability :math:`\gamma_i`, or :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability :math:`1-\gamma_i`. 3. If :math:`s_i(t) = 2`, we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1` with probability :math:`\mu_i`, or :math:`s_i(t+1) = 2` with probability :math:`1-\mu_i`. If the option ``exposed == True`` is given, then the states transit first from 0 to -1 (exposed) with probability given by 1. above, and then finally from -1 to 1 with probability :math:`\epsilon_i`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: SIRS gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: SIRS >>> g =["pgp-strong-2009"] >>> state = gt.SIRSState(g, beta=0.2, gamma=0.025, mu=0.02) >>> S, X, R = [], [], [] >>> for t in range(2000): ... ret = state.iterate_sync() ... s = state.get_state().fa ... S.append((s == 0).sum()) ... X.append((s == 1).sum()) ... R.append((s == 2).sum()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> plot(S, label="Susceptible") [...] >>> plot(X, label="Infectious") [...] >>> plot(R, label="Recovered") [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"Number of nodes") Text(...) >>> legend(loc="best") <...> >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("SIRS.svg") .. figure:: SIRS.svg :align: center Number of susceptible, infectious, and recovered nodes vs. time for an SIRS dynamics. References ---------- .. [pastor-satorras-epidemic-2015] Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Claudio Castellano, Piet Van Mieghem, and Alessandro Vespignani, "Epidemic processes in complex networks", Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 925 (2015) :doi:`10.1103/RevModPhys.87.925`, :arxiv:`1408.2701` """ EpidemicStateBase.__init__(self, g, constant_beta, lib_dynamics.make_SEIRS_state if exposed else lib_dynamics.make_SIRS_state, dict(beta=beta, gamma=gamma, mu=mu, r=r, epsilon=epsilon), v0, s) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, self.make_state, self.params, self.s)
[docs] class VoterState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, q=2, r=0., s=None): r"""Generalized q-state voter model dynamics. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics q : ``int`` (optional, default: ``2``) Number of opinions. r : ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Random opinion probability. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the voter model dynamics [clifford-model-1973]_ [holley-ergodic-1075]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition probabilities from state :math:`s_i(t)` to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` are given as follows: 1. With a probability :math:`r` one of the :math:`q` opinions, :math:`x`, is chosen uniformly at random, and assigned to :math:`i`, i.e. :math:`s_i(t+1) = x`. 2. Otherwise, a random (in-)neighbour :math:`j` is chosen. and its opinion is copied, i.e. :math:`s_i(t+1) = s_j(t)`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: voter gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: voter >>> g =["pgp-strong-2009"] >>> state = gt.VoterState(g, q=4) >>> x = [[] for r in range(4)] >>> for t in range(2000): ... ret = state.iterate_sync() ... s = state.get_state().fa ... for r in range(4): ... x[r].append((s == r).sum()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> for r in range(4): ... plot(x[r], label="Opinion %d" % r) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"Number of nodes") Text(...) >>> legend(loc="best") <...> >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("voter.svg") .. figure:: voter.svg :align: center Number of nodes with a given opinion vs. time for a voter model dynamics with :math:`q=4` opinions. References ---------- .. [clifford-model-1973] Clifford, P., Sudbury, A., "A model for spatial conflict", Biometrika 60, 581–588 (1973). :doi:`10.1093/biomet/60.3.581`. .. [holley-ergodic-1075] Holley, R. A., Liggett, T. M., "Ergodic Theorems for Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model", Ann. Probab. 3, 643–663 (1975). :doi:`10.1214/aop/1176996306`. """ if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, q, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_voter_state, dict(q=q, r=r), s)
[docs] class MajorityVoterState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, q=2, r=0, s=None): r"""Generalized q-state majority voter model dynamics. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics q : ``int`` (optional, default: ``2``) Number of opinions. r : ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Random opinion probability. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the majority voter model dynamics [oliveira-isotropic-1992]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition probabilities from state :math:`s_i(t)` to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` are given as follows: 1. With a probability :math:`r` one of the :math:`q` opinions, :math:`x`, is chosen uniformly at random, and assigned to :math:`i`, i.e. :math:`s_i(t+1) = x`. 2. Otherwise, the majority opinion :math:`x` held by all (in-)neighbours of :math:`i` is chosen. In case of a tie between two or more opinions, a random choice between them is made. The chosen opinion is then copied, i.e. :math:`s_i(t+1) = x`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: majority-voter gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: majority-voter >>> g =["pgp-strong-2009"] >>> state = gt.MajorityVoterState(g, q=4) >>> x = [[] for r in range(4)] >>> for t in range(2000): ... ret = state.iterate_async(niter=g.num_vertices()) ... s = state.get_state().fa ... for r in range(4): ... x[r].append((s == r).sum()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> for r in range(4): ... plot(x[r], label="Opinion %d" % r) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"Number of nodes") Text(...) >>> legend(loc="best") <...> >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("majority-voter.svg") .. figure:: majority-voter.svg :align: center Number of nodes with a given opinion vs. time for a majority voter model dynamics with :math:`q=4` opinions. References ---------- .. [oliveira-isotropic-1992] de Oliveira, M.J., "Isotropic majority-vote model on a square lattice", J Stat Phys 66: 273 (1992). :doi:`10.1007/BF01060069`. """ if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, q, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_majority_voter_state, dict(q=q, r=r), s)
[docs] class BinaryThresholdState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, w=1., h=.5, r=0., s=None): r"""Generalized binary threshold dynamics. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Edge weights. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all edges. h : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.5``) Relative threshold value. r : ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Input random flip probability. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements a Boolean threshold model on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` is given by .. math:: s_i(t+1) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{ if } \sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}\hat s_j(t) > h k_i,\\ 0, & \text{ otherwise.} \end{cases} where :math:`k_i=\sum_jA_{ij}` and :math:`\hat s_i(t)` are the flipped inputs sampled with probability .. math:: P(\hat s_i(t)|s_i(t)) = r^{1-\delta_{\hat s_i(t),s_i(t)}}(1-r)^{\delta_{\hat s_i(t),s_i(t)}}. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: binary-threshold gt.seed_rng(44) np.random.seed(44) .. doctest:: binary-threshold >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.BinaryThresholdState(g, r=0.25) >>> ret = state.iterate_sync(niter=1000) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="binary-threshold.svg") <...> .. figure:: binary-threshold.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of a binary threshold dynamics on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. """ if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(h, PropertyMap): if h.value_type() != "double": h = w.copy("double") else: h = g.new_vp("double", val=h) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, 2, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_binary_threshold_state, dict(w=w, h=h, r=r), s)
[docs] class IsingGlauberState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1., w=1., h=0., s=None): r"""Glauber dynamics of the Ising model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Inverse temperature. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Edge interaction strength. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all edges. h : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Vertex local field. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all vertices. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the Glauber dynamics of the Ising model [ising-model]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1) \in \{-1,+1\}` is done with probability .. math:: P(s_i(t+1)|\boldsymbol s(t)) = \frac{\exp(\beta s_i(t+1)\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}s_j(t) + h_is_i(t+1))} {2\cosh(\beta\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}s_j(t) + h_i)}. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: glauber-ising gt.seed_rng(47) np.random.seed(47) .. doctest:: glauber-ising >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.IsingGlauberState(g, beta=.05) >>> ret = state.iterate_async(niter=1000 * g.num_vertices()) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="glauber-ising.svg") <...> .. figure:: glauber-ising.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of a Glauber Ising dynamics on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [ising-model] """ if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(h, PropertyMap): if h.value_type() != "double": h = h.copy("double") else: h = g.new_vp("double", val=h) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=2 * numpy.random.randint(0, 2, g.num_vertices()) - 1) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_ising_glauber_state, dict(w=w, h=h, beta=beta), s)
[docs] class CIsingGlauberState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1., w=1., h=0., s=None): r"""Glauber dynamics of the continuous Ising model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Inverse temperature. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Edge interaction strength. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all edges. h : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Vertex local field. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all vertices. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the Glauber dynamics of the continuous Ising model [ising-model]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1) \in [-1,+1]` is done with probability density .. math:: P(s_i(t+1)|\boldsymbol s(t)) = \frac{\exp(\beta s_i(t+1)\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}s_j(t) + h_is_i(t+1))} {Z(\beta\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}s_j(t) + h_i)}, with :math:`Z(x) = 2\sinh(x)/x`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: glauber-cising gt.seed_rng(45) np.random.seed(45) .. doctest:: glauber-cising >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.CIsingGlauberState(g, beta=.2) >>> ret = state.iterate_async(niter=1000 * g.num_vertices()) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, vcmap=cm.magma, ... output="glauber-cising.svg") <...> .. figure:: glauber-cising.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of a continuous Glauber Ising dynamics on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [ising-model] """ if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(h, PropertyMap): if h.value_type() != "double": h = h.copy("double") else: h = g.new_vp("double", val=h) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("double", vals=2 * numpy.random.random(g.num_vertices()) - 1) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_cising_glauber_state, dict(w=w, h=h, beta=beta), s, stype="double")
[docs] class IsingMetropolisState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, beta=1, w=1, h=0, s=None): r"""Metropolis-Hastings dynamics of the Ising model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics beta : ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Inverse temperature. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Edge interaction strength. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all edges. h : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Vertex local field. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all vertices. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the Metropolis-Hastings dynamics [metropolis-equations-1953]_ [hastings-monte-carlo-1970]_ of the Ising model [ising-model]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1) = -s_i(t)` is done with probability .. math:: \min\left\{1, \exp\left[-2s_i(t)\left(h_i + \beta\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}s_j(t)\right)\right]\right\} otherwise we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = s_i(t)`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: metropolis-ising gt.seed_rng(42 + 1) np.random.seed(42 + 1) .. doctest:: metropolis-ising >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.IsingMetropolisState(g, beta=.1) >>> ret = state.iterate_async(niter=1000 * g.num_vertices()) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="metropolis-ising.svg") <...> .. figure:: metropolis-ising.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of a Metropolis-Hastings Ising dynamics on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [ising-model] .. [metropolis-equations-1953] Metropolis, N., A.W. Rosenbluth, M.N. Rosenbluth, A.H. Teller, and E. Teller, "Equations of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines," Journal of Chemical Physics, 21, 1087–1092 (1953). :doi:`10.1063/1.1699114` .. [hastings-monte-carlo-1970] Hastings, W.K., "Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications," Biometrika, 57, 97–109, (1970). :doi:`10.1093/biomet/57.1.97` """ if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(h, PropertyMap): if h.value_type() != "double": h = h.copy("double") else: h = g.new_vp("double", val=h) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=2 * numpy.random.randint(0, 2, g.num_vertices()) - 1) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_ising_metropolis_state, dict(w=w, h=h, beta=beta), s)
[docs] class PottsGlauberState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, f, w=1, h=0, s=None): r"""Glauber dynamics of the Potts model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics f : list of lists or two-dimensional :class:`numpy.ndarray` Matrix of interactions between spin values, of dimension :math:`q\times q`, where :math:`q` is the number of spins. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Edge interaction strength. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all edges. h : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or iterable or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Vertex local field. If an iterable is provided, it will be used as the field for all vertices. If a scalar is provided, it will be used for all spins values and vertices. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the Glauber dynamics of the Potts model [potts-model]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1) \in \{0,\dots,q-1\}` is done with probability .. math:: P(s_i(t+1)|\boldsymbol s(t)) \propto \exp\left(\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}f_{s_i(t+1), s_j(t)} + h^{(i)}_{s_i(t+1)}\right) Examples -------- .. testsetup:: glauber-potts gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: glauber-potts >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> f = np.eye(4) * 0.1 >>> state = gt.PottsGlauberState(g, f) >>> ret = state.iterate_async(niter=1000 * g.num_vertices()) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="glauber-potts.svg") <...> .. figure:: glauber-potts.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of a Glauber Potts dynamics with :math:`q=4` on a political blog network. References ---------- .. [potts-model] """ f = numpy.asarray(f, dtype="double") q = f.shape[0] if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(h, PropertyMap): if h.value_type() != "vector<double>": h = h.copy("vector<double>") else: if not isinstance(h, h = [h] * q h = g.new_vp("vector<double>", val=h) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, q, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_potts_glauber_state, dict(f=f, w=w, h=h), s)
[docs] class PottsMetropolisState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, f, w=1, h=0, s=None): r"""Metropolis-Hastings dynamics of the Potts model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics f : list of lists or two-dimensional :class:`numpy.ndarray` Matrix of interactions between spin values, of dimension :math:`q\times q`, where :math:`q` is the number of spins. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Edge interaction strength. If a scalar is provided, it's used for all edges. h : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or iterable or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Vertex local field. If an iterable is provided, it will be used as the field for all vertices. If a scalar is provided, it will be used for all spins values and vertices. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements the Metropolis-Hastings dynamics [metropolis-equations-1953]_ [hastings-monte-carlo-1970]_ of the Potts model [potts-model]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1) \in \{0,\dots,q-1\}` is done as follows: 1. A spin value :math:`r` is sampled uniformly at random from the set :math:`\{0,\dots,q-1\}`. 2. The transition :math:`s_i(t+1)=r` is made with probability .. math:: \min\left[1, \exp\left(\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}(f_{r, s_j(t)}-f_{s_i(t), s_j(t)}) + h^{(i)}_{r} - h^{(i)}_{s_i(t)}\right)\right] otherwise we have :math:`s_i(t+1)=s_i(t)`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: metropolis-potts gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: metropolis-potts >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> f = np.eye(4) * 0.1 >>> state = gt.PottsGlauberState(g, f) >>> ret = state.iterate_async(niter=1000 * g.num_vertices()) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="metropolis-potts.svg") <...> .. figure:: metropolis-potts.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of a Metropolis-Hastings Potts dynamics with :math:`q=4` on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [potts-model] .. [metropolis-equations-1953] Metropolis, N., A.W. Rosenbluth, M.N. Rosenbluth, A.H. Teller, and E. Teller, "Equations of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines," Journal of Chemical Physics, 21, 1087–1092 (1953). :doi:`10.1063/1.1699114` .. [hastings-monte-carlo-1970] Hastings, W.K., "Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications," Biometrika, 57, 97–109, (1970) :doi:`10.1093/biomet/57.1.97` """ f = numpy.asarray(f, dtype="double") q = f.shape[0] if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(h, PropertyMap): if h.value_type() != "vector<double>": h = h.copy("vector<double>") else: if not isinstance(h, h = [h] * q h = g.new_vp("vector<double>", val=h) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, q, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_potts_metropolis_state, dict(f=f, w=w, h=h), s)
[docs] class KirmanState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, d=.1, c1=.001, c2=.001, s=None): r"""Kirman's "ant colony" model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics d : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.1``) Strategy infection probability. c1 : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.001``) Spontaneous transition probability to first strategy. c2 : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.001``) Spontaneous transition probability to second strategy. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements Kirman's "ant colony" model [kirman_ants_1993]_ on a network. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1) \in \{0,1\}` is done as follows: 1. If :math:`s_i(t) = 0`, we have :math:`s_i(t) = 1` with probability :math:`c_1`. 2. Otherwise if :math:`s_i(t) = 1`, we have :math:`s_i(t) = 0` with probability :math:`c_2`. 3. Otherwise we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = 1 - s_i(t)` with probability .. math:: 1 - (1-d)^{\sum_jA_{ij}(1-\delta_{s_i(t), s_j(t)})} 4. Otherwise we have :math:`s_i(t+1) = s_i(t)`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: kirman gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: kirman >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.KirmanState(g) >>> ret = state.iterate_sync(niter=1000) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="kirman.svg") <...> .. figure:: kirman.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of Kirman's model on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [kirman_ants_1993] A. Kirman, "Ants, Rationality, and Recruitment", The Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 137 (1993), :doi:`10.2307/2118498`. """ if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, 2, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_kirman_state, dict(d=d, c1=c1, c2=c2), s)
class GeneralizedBinaryState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, f, r, s=None): self.f = numpy.asarray(f, dtype="float") self.r = numpy.asarray(r, dtype="float") if s is None: s = g.new_vp("int32_t", vals=numpy.random.randint(0, 2, g.num_vertices())) DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_generalized_binary_state, dict(f=self.f, r=self.r), s)
[docs] class AxelrodState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, f=10, q=2, r=0, s=None): r"""Axelrod's culture dissemination model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics f : ``int`` (optional, default: ``10``) Number of features. q : ``int`` (optional, default: ``2``) Number of traits for each feature. r : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.0``) Spontaneous trait change probability. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements Axelrod's model for culture dissemination [axelrod-dissemination-1997]_. Each node has a vector state :math:`\boldsymbol s^{(i)} \in \{0,\dots,q-1\}^f`. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`\boldsymbol s^{(i)}(t+1)` is done as follows: 1. With probability :math:`r` a feature :math:`l` is chosen uniformly at random from the interval :math:`\{0,\dots,f-1\}`, and a trait :math:`r` is chosen uniformly at random from the interval :math:`\{0,\dots,q-1\}`, and the new state is set as :math:`s^{(i)}_l(t+1)=r`. 2. Otherwise, a neighbour :math:`j` is chosen uniformly at random, and we let :math:`d` be the number of equal traits across features between :math:`i` and :math:`j`, .. math:: d = \sum_{l=0}^{f-1} \delta_{s^{(i)}_l(t), s^{(j)}_l(t)}. Then with probability :math:`d/f` a trait :math:`l` is chosen uniformly at random from the set of differing features of size :math:`f-d`, i.e. :math:`\{l|s^{(i)}_l(t) \ne s^{(j)}_l(t)\}`, and the corresponding trait of :math:`j` is copied to :math:`i`: :math:`s^{(i)}_l(t+1) = s^{(j)}_l(t)`. 3. Otherwise we have :math:`\boldsymbol s_i(t+1) = \boldsymbol s_i(t)`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: axelrod gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: axelrod >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.AxelrodState(g, f=10, q=30, r=0.005) >>> ret = state.iterate_async(niter=10000000) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, ... vertex_fill_color=gt.perfect_prop_hash([state.s])[0], ... vcmap=cm.magma, output="axelrod.svg") <...> .. figure:: axelrod.svg :align: center :width: 80% State of Axelrod's model on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [axelrod-dissemination-1997] Axelrod, R., "The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence and Global Polarization", Journal of Conflict Resolution, 41(2), 203–226 (1997). :doi:`10.1177/0022002797041002001` """ DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_axelrod_state, dict(f=f, q=q, r=r), s, stype="vector<int32_t>")
[docs] class BooleanState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, f=None, p=.5, r=0, s=None): r"""Boolean network dynamics. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics f : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Vertex property map of type ``vector<bool>`` containing the Boolean functions. If not provided, the functions will be randomly chosen. p : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.5``) Output probability of random functions. This only has an effect if ``f is None``. r : ``float`` (optional, default: ``0.``) Input random flip probability. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements a Boolean network model. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` is given by .. math:: s_i(t+1) = f^{(i)}_{\sum_{j\in \partial i}2^{\hat s_j(t)}} where :math:`\partial i` are the (in-)neighbors of :math:`i`, indexed from :math:`0` to :math:`k-1`, and :math:`\hat s_i(t)` are the flipped inputs sampled with probability .. math:: P(\hat s_i(t)|s_i(t)) = r^{1-\delta_{\hat s_i(t),s_i(t)}}(1-r)^{\delta_{\hat s_i(t),s_i(t)}}. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: boolean-network gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: boolean-network >>> g = gt.random_graph(50, lambda: (2,2)) >>> state = gt.BooleanState(g) >>> ret = state.iterate_sync(niter=1000) >>> s0 = state.s.copy() >>> ret = state.iterate_sync(niter=1) >>> l = 1 >>> while any(state.s.a != s0.a): ... ret = state.iterate_sync(niter=1) ... l += 1 >>> print("Period length:", l) Period length: 4 """ if f is None: f = g.new_vp("vector<bool>") elif f.value_type() != "vector<bool>": f = f.copy("vector<bool>") DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_boolean_state, dict(f=f, p=p, r=r), s, stype="bool")
[docs] class NormalState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, w=0, sigma=1, s=None): r"""Multivariate Normal distribution. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph represening the conditional dependencies. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0``) Inverse covariance (i.e. coupling strength) between nodes. sigma : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Node standard deviation. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements a zero-mean multivariate Normal distribution. If a node :math:`i` is updated at time :math:`t`, the transition to state :math:`s_i(t+1)` is given by .. math:: P(s_i(t+1)|\boldsymbol s(t), \boldsymbol A, \boldsymbol w, \boldsymbol \sigma) = \frac{\exp\left[-\frac{\left(s_i(t+1)+\sigma_i^2\sum_jA_{ij}w_{ij}s_j(t)\right)^2} {2\sigma_i^2}\right]} {\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_i} which will lead, asymptotically with :math:`t\to\infty`, to a zero-mean multivariate Normal distribution: .. math:: P(\boldsymbol s | \boldsymbol W) = \frac{\mathrm{e}^{-\frac{1}{2} {\boldsymbol x}^{\top}\boldsymbol W \boldsymbol x}} {\sqrt{(2\pi)^N |\boldsymbol W^{-1}|}}, where :math:`W_{ij}=w_{ij}` for :math:`i\neq j` and :math:`W_{ii}=1/\sigma_i^2`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: polblogs-normal gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: polblogs-normal >>> g = gt.GraphView(["polblogs"].copy(), directed=False) >>> gt.remove_parallel_edges(g) >>> g = gt.extract_largest_component(g, prune=True) >>> state = gt.NormalState(g, sigma=0.001, w=-100) >>> ret = state.iterate_sync(niter=1000) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, g.vp.pos, vertex_fill_color=state.s, ... output="polblogs-normal.svg") <...> .. figure:: polblogs-normal.svg :align: center :width: 80% Sample of a multivariate Normal on a :ns:`political blog <polblogs>` network. References ---------- .. [normal] """ if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(sigma, PropertyMap): if sigma.value_type() != "double": sigma = sigma.copy("double") else: sigma = g.new_vp("double", val=sigma) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("double") DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_normal_state, dict(w=w, sigma=sigma), s, stype="double")
[docs] class LinearNormalState(DiscreteStateBase): def __init__(self, g, w=0, sigma=1, s=None): r"""Linear distrecte-time dynamical system with noise. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Coupling strength of each edge. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all edges. sigma : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.0``) Stochastic noise magnitude. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements a distrecte time linear dynamical system with noise, i.e. each node has an variable :math:`s_i`, which evolves in time according to a Markov chain with transitio probabilities: .. math:: P(s_i(t+1)|\boldsymbol s, \boldsymbol A, \boldsymbol w, \sigma) = \frac{\exp\left[-\frac{\left(s_i(t+1)-\sum_{j}A_{ij}w_{ij}s_j\right)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right]}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} Examples -------- .. testsetup:: linear-discrete gt.seed_rng(49) np.random.seed(49) .. doctest:: linear-discrete >>> g =["karate"].copy() >>> s = g.new_vp("double", np.random.normal(0, 1, g.num_vertices())) >>> w = g.new_ep("double", vals=np.random.normal(0, .1, g.num_edges())) >>> state = gt.LinearNormalState(g, s=s, w=w) >>> ss = [] >>> for t in range(10): ... ret = state.iterate_sync() ... ss.append(state.get_state().fa.copy()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> for v in g.vertices(): ... plot(np.arange(len(ss)), [s[int(v)] for s in ss], "-o") [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"$s_i$") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("karate-linear-discrete.svg") .. figure:: karate-linear-discrete.svg :align: center Linear dynamics on the :ns:`Karate Club <karate>` network. References ---------- .. [linear] """ if isinstance(w, PropertyMap): if w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") else: w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) if isinstance(sigma, PropertyMap): if sigma.value_type() != "double": sigma = sigma.copy("double") else: sigma = g.new_vp("double", val=sigma) if s is None: s = g.new_vp("double") DiscreteStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_linear_normal_state, dict(w=w, sigma=sigma), s, stype="double")
[docs] class ContinuousStateBase(object): def __init__(self, g, make_state, params, t0=0, s=None, stype="double"): r"""Base state for continuous-time dynamics. This class it not meant to be instantiated directly. """ self.g = g self.t = t0 if s is None: self.s = g.new_vp(stype) else: self.s = s.copy(stype) self.s_diff = self.s.copy() self.params = params self._state = make_state(g._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, self.s), _prop("v", g, self.s_diff), params, _get_rng())
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the state.""" return type(self)(**self.__getstate__())
def __getstate__(self): return dict(g=self.g, s=self.s, params=self.params) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(**state)
[docs] def get_state(self): r"""Returns the internal :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` with the current state.""" return self.s
[docs] def get_diff(self, dt): r"""Returns the current time derivative for all the nodes. The parameter ``dt`` is the time interval in consideration, which is used only if the ODE has a stochastic component. If enabled during compilation, this algorithm runs in parallel. """ self._state.get_diff_sync(self.t, dt, _get_rng()) return self.s_diff.fa
[docs] def solve(self, t, *args, **kwargs): r"""Integrate the system up to time ``t``. The remaining parameters are passed to :func:`scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`. This solver is not suitable for stochastic ODEs.""" if t == self.t: return if t < self.t: raise ValueError("Can't integrate backwards in time") def f(t, y): self.s.fa = y.flatten() self.t = t return self.get_diff(0) ret = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(f, (self.t, t), self.s.fa, **dict(kwargs, vectorized=True)) self.t = ret.t[-1] self.s.fa = ret.y[:,-1] return ret
[docs] def solve_euler(self, t, dt=0.001): r"""Integrate the system up o time ``t`` using a simple Euler's method with step size ``dt``. This solver is suitable for stochastic ODEs.""" if t == self.t: return if t < self.t: raise ValueError("Can't integrate backwards in time") for t in numpy.arange(self.t, t + dt, dt): self.t = t self.s.fa += self.get_diff(dt) * dt
[docs] class LinearState(ContinuousStateBase): def __init__(self, g, w=1, sigma=0, t0=0, s=None): r"""Linear dynamical system with noise. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Coupling strength of each edge. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all edges. sigma : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.0``) Stochastic noise magnitude. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements a linear dynamical system with noise, i.e. each node has an variable :math:`s_i`, which evolves in time obeying the differential equation: .. math:: \frac{\mathrm{d}s_i}{\mathrm{d}t} = \sum_{j}A_{ij}w_{ij}s_j + \sigma\xi_i(t), where :math:`\xi_i(t)` is a Gaussian noise with zero mean and unit variance (implemented according to the Itô definition). Examples -------- .. testsetup:: linear gt.seed_rng(49) np.random.seed(49) .. doctest:: linear >>> g =["karate"].copy() >>> s = g.new_vp("double", np.random.normal(0, 1, g.num_vertices())) >>> w = g.new_ep("double", vals=np.random.normal(0, .1, g.num_edges())) >>> state = gt.LinearState(g, s=s, w=w) >>> ss = [] >>> ts = linspace(0, 10, 1000) >>> for t in ts: ... ret = state.solve(t, first_step=0.0001) ... ss.append(state.get_state().fa.copy()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> for v in g.vertices(): ... plot(ts, [s[int(v)] for s in ss]) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"$s_i$") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("karate-linear.svg") .. figure:: karate-linear.svg :align: center Linear dynamics on the :ns:`Karate Club <karate>` network. References ---------- .. [linear] """ if not isinstance(sigma, PropertyMap): sigma = g.new_vp("double", val=sigma) elif sigma.value_type() != "double": sigma = sigma.copy("double") if not isinstance(w, PropertyMap): w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) elif w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") if s is None: s = g.new_vp("double", vals=numpy.random.random(g.num_vertices())) ContinuousStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_linear_state, dict(w=w, sigma=sigma), t0, s)
[docs] class LVState(ContinuousStateBase): def __init__(self, g, w=1, r=1, sigma=0, mig=0, t0=0, s=None): r"""Generalized Lotka-Volterra model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Coupling strength of each edge. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all edges. r : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Intrinsic birth or death rates. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all nodes. sigma : ``float`` (optional, default: ``.0``) Stochastic noise magnitude. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements a generalized Lotka-Volterra (gLV) dynamical system with demographic noise, i.e. each node has an variable :math:`s_i`, which evolves in time obeying the differential equation: .. math:: \frac{\mathrm{d}s_i}{\mathrm{d}t} = s_i\left(r_i + \sum_{j}A_{ij}w_{ij}s_j\right) + \sigma\sqrt{s_i}\xi_i(t), where :math:`\xi_i(t)` is a Gaussian noise with zero mean and unit variance (implemented according to the Itô definition). Examples -------- .. testsetup:: glv gt.seed_rng(42) np.random.seed(42) .. doctest:: glv >>> g =["karate"].copy() >>> s = g.new_vp("double", vals=1 + 10 * np.random.random(g.num_vertices())) >>> r = g.new_vp("double", val=-1) >>> w = g.new_ep("double", vals=np.random.normal(0, .5, g.num_edges())) >>> for v in g.vertices(): ... e = g.add_edge(v,v) ... w[e] = -.7 >>> state = gt.LVState(g, s=s, r=r, w=w) >>> ss = [] >>> ts = linspace(0, .4, 1000) >>> for t in ts: ... ret = state.solve(t, first_step=1e-6) ... ss.append(state.get_state().fa.copy()) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> for v in g.vertices(): ... plot(ts, [s[int(v)] for s in ss]) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"$s_i$") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("karate-glv.svg") .. figure:: karate-glv.svg :align: center gLV dynamics on the :ns:`Karate Club <karate>` network. References ---------- .. [glv] """ if not isinstance(sigma, PropertyMap): sigma = g.new_vp("double", val=sigma) elif sigma.value_type() != "double": sigma = sigma.copy("double") if not isinstance(r, PropertyMap): r = g.new_vp("double", val=r) elif r.value_type() != "double": r = r.copy("double") if not isinstance(mig, PropertyMap): mig = g.new_vp("double", val=mig) elif mig.value_type() != "double": mig = mig.copy("double") if not isinstance(w, PropertyMap): w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) elif w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") if s is None: s = g.new_vp("double", vals=numpy.random.random(g.num_vertices())) ContinuousStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_LV_state, dict(w=w, r=r, sigma=sigma, mig=mig), t0, s)
[docs] class KuramotoState(ContinuousStateBase): def __init__(self, g, omega=1, w=1, sigma=0, t0=0, s=None): r"""The Kuramoto model. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used for the dynamics omega : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Intrinsic frequencies for each node. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all nodes. w : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``1``) Coupling strength of each edge. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all edges. sigma : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or ``float`` (optional, default: ``0``) Stochastic noise magnitude for each node. If a scalar is given, it will be used for all nodes. s : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial global state. If not provided, a random state will be chosen. Notes ----- This implements Kuramoto's model for synchronization [kuramoto_self-entrainment_1975]_ [rodrigues_kuramoto_2016]_. Each node has an angle :math:`\theta_i`, which evolves in time obeying the differential equation: .. math:: \frac{\mathrm{d}\theta_i}{\mathrm{d}t} = \omega_i + \sum_{j}A_{ij}w_{ij}\sin(\theta_j-\theta_i) + \sigma\xi_i(t), where :math:`\xi_i(t)` is a Gaussian noise with zero mean and unit variance. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: kuramoto gt.seed_rng(49) np.random.seed(49) .. doctest:: kuramoto >>> g =["karate"] >>> omega = g.new_vp("double", np.random.normal(0, 1, g.num_vertices())) >>> state = gt.KuramotoState(g, omega=omega, w=1.5) >>> thetas = [] >>> ts = linspace(0, 40, 1000) >>> for t in ts: ... ret = state.solve(t, first_step=0.0001) ... thetas.append(state.get_state().fa % (2 * pi)) >>> figure(figsize=(6, 4)) <...> >>> for v in g.vertices(): ... plot(ts, [t[int(v)] - t.mean() for t in thetas]) [...] >>> xlabel(r"Time") Text(...) >>> ylabel(r"$\theta_i - \left<\theta\right>$") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("karate-kuramoto.svg") .. figure:: karate-kuramoto.svg :align: center Kuramoto oscillator dynamics on the :ns:`Karate Club <karate>` network. References ---------- .. [kuramoto_self-entrainment_1975] Y. Kuramoto, "Self-entrainment of a population of coupled non-linear oscillators", International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 39. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1975), :doi:`10.1007/BFb0013365` .. [rodrigues_kuramoto_2016] Francisco A. Rodrigues, Thomas K. DM.Peron, Peng Ji, Jürgen Kurth, "The Kuramoto model in complex networks", Physics Reports 610 1-98 (2016) :doi:`10.1016/j.physrep.2015.10.008`, :arxiv:`1511.07139` """ if not isinstance(omega, PropertyMap): omega = g.new_vp("double", val=omega) elif omega.value_type() != "double": omega = omega.copy("double") if not isinstance(sigma, PropertyMap): sigma = g.new_vp("double", val=sigma) elif sigma.value_type() != "double": sigma = sigma.copy("double") if not isinstance(w, PropertyMap): w = g.new_ep("double", val=w) elif w.value_type() != "double": w = w.copy("double") if s is None: s = g.new_vp("double", vals=2 * numpy.pi * numpy.random.random(g.num_vertices())) ContinuousStateBase.__init__(self, g, lib_dynamics.make_kuramoto_state, dict(omega=omega, w=w, sigma=sigma), t0, s)
[docs] def get_r_phi(self): r"""Returns the phase coherence :math:`r` and average phase :math:`\phi`, defined as .. math:: re^{i\phi} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_j e^{i\theta_j}. """ z = numpy.exp(self.s.fa * 1j).mean() return float(numpy.abs(z)), float(numpy.angle(z))